Mariela Petkova
Mariela Petkova
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Optimal decoding of cellular identities in a genetic network
MD Petkova, G Tkačik, W Bialek, EF Wieschaus, T Gregor
Cell 176 (4), 844-855. e15, 2019
Positional information, positional error, and readout precision in morphogenesis: a mathematical framework
G Tkačik, JO Dubuis, MD Petkova, T Gregor
Genetics 199 (1), 39-59, 2015
Maternal origins of developmental reproducibility
MD Petkova, SC Little, F Liu, T Gregor
Current Biology 24 (11), 1283-1288, 2014
Nucmm dataset: 3d neuronal nuclei instance segmentation at sub-cubic millimeter scale
Z Lin, D Wei, MD Petkova, Y Wu, Z Ahmed, KS K, S Zou, N Wendt, ...
Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2021: 24th …, 2021
Fly wing vein patterns have spatial reproducibility of a single cell
L Abouchar, MD Petkova, CR Steinhardt, T Gregor
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 11 (97), 20140443, 2014
Trading bits in the readout from a genetic network
M Bauer, MD Petkova, T Gregor, EF Wieschaus, W Bialek
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (46), e2109011118, 2021
Functional and ultrastructural analysis of reafferent mechanosensation in larval zebrafish
I Odstrcil, MD Petkova, M Haesemeyer, J Boulanger-Weill, M Nikitchenko, ...
Current Biology 32 (1), 176-189. e5, 2022
Latent space of a small genetic network: Geometry of dynamics and information
R Seyboldt, J Lavoie, A Henry, J Vanaret, MD Petkova, T Gregor, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (26), e2113651119, 2022
Optimal decoding of information from a genetic network
MD Petkova, G Tkačik, W Bialek, EF Wieschaus, T Gregor
arXiv preprint arXiv:1612.08084, 2016
Precise spatial scaling in the early fly embryo
V Antonetti, W Bialek, T Gregor, G Muhaxheri, M Petkova, M Scheeler
arXiv preprint arXiv:1812.11384, 2018
Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy in an Intact Larval Zebrafish
M Petkova
Harvard University, 2020
Toward deciphering developmental patterning with deep neural network
J Shen, D Mariela, F Liu, C Tang
BioRxiv, 374439, 2018
Scale invariance in early embryonic development
M Nikolić, V Antonetti, F Liu, G Muhaxheri, MD Petkova, M Scheeler, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.17684, 2023
Finding the last bits of positional information
L McGough, H Casademunt, M Nikolić, Z Aridor, MD Petkova, T Gregor, ...
PRX Life 2 (1), 013016, 2024
Volume Electron Microscopy Workflows for the study of Large-Scale Neural Connectomics
RL Schalek, X Lu, M Petkova, J Boulanger-Weill, N Karlupia, Y Wu, ...
Microscopy and Microanalysis 29 (Supplement_1), 1209-1211, 2023
Deciphering gene regulation from gene expression dynamics using deep neural network
J Shen, MD Petkova, Y Tu, F Liu, C Tang
arXiv preprint arXiv:1807.08414, 2018
Finding the Last Bits of Positional Information
M Nikolic, L McGough, H Casademunt, M Petkova, T Gregor, W Bialek
Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2024
Sensing the fly embryo's transcription factors
M Bauer, M Petkova, T Gregor, E Wieschaus, W Bialek
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2022, K05. 010, 2022
Trading bits in the readout of positional information
M Bauer, W Bialek, T Gregor, M Petkova, E Wieschaus
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 65, 2020
Information flow and the accuracy of concentration measurements in a genetic network
M Bauer, W Bialek, T Gregor, M Petkova, E Wieschaus
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2019, H66. 015, 2019
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Articles 1–20