Andrea Perali
Andrea Perali
Professor of Condensed Matter and General Physics, University of Camerino
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Observation of pseudogap behaviour in a strongly interacting Fermi gas
JP Gaebler, JT Stewart, TE Drake, DS Jin, A Perali, P Pieri, GC Strinati
Nature Physics 6 (8), 569-573, 2010
BCS-BEC crossover at finite temperature for superfluid trapped Fermi atoms
A Perali, P Pieri, L Pisani, GC Strinati
Physical review letters 92 (22), 220404, 2004
Pseudogap and spectral function from superconducting fluctuations to the bosonic limit
A Perali, P Pieri, GC Strinati, C Castellani
Physical Review B 66 (2), 024510, 2002
High-temperature superfluidity in double-bilayer graphene
A Perali, D Neilson, AR Hamilton
Physical review letters 110 (14), 146803, 2013
Stripe structure in the plane of perovskite superconductors
A Bianconi, NL Saini, T Rossetti, A Lanzara, A Perali, M Missori, ...
Physical Review B 54 (17), 12018, 1996
Quantitative Comparison between Theoretical Predictions and Experimental Results<? format?> for the BCS-BEC Crossover
A Perali, P Pieri, GC Strinati
Physical review letters 93 (10), 100404, 2004
d-wave superconductivity near charge instabilities
A Perali, C Castellani, C Di Castro, M Grilli
Physical Review B 54 (22), 16216, 1996
Superconductivity of a striped phase at the atomic limit
A Bianconi, A Valletta, A Perali, NL Saini
Physica C: Superconductivity 296 (3-4), 269-280, 1998
Resonant and crossover phenomena in a multiband superconductor: Tuning the chemical potential near a band edge
D Innocenti, N Poccia, A Ricci, A Valletta, S Caprara, A Perali, A Bianconi
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 82 (18), 184528, 2010
The gap amplification at a shape resonance in a superlattice of quantum stripes: A mechanism for high Tc
A Perali, A Bianconi, A Lanzara, NL Saini
Solid State Communications 100 (3), 181-186, 1996
Evolution of the normal state of a strongly interacting Fermi gas from a pseudogap phase to a molecular Bose gas
A Perali, F Palestini, P Pieri, GC Strinati, JT Stewart, JP Gaebler, TE Drake, ...
Physical review letters 106 (6), 060402, 2011
Two-gap model for underdoped cuprate superconductors
A Perali, C Castellani, C Di Castro, M Grilli, E Piegari, AA Varlamov
Physical Review B 62 (14), R9295, 2000
High Tc superconductivity in a superlattice of quantum stripes
A Bianconi, A Valletta, A Perali, NL Saini
Solid State Communications 102 (5), 369-374, 1997
Density-induced BCS to Bose-Einstein crossover
N Andrenacci, A Perali, P Pieri, GC Strinati
Physical Review B 60 (17), 12410, 1999
Emergent phenomena in multicomponent superconductivity: an introduction to the focus issue
MV Milošević, A Perali
arXiv preprint arXiv:1504.06995, 2015
Temperature and coupling dependence of the universal contact intensity for an ultracold Fermi gas
F Palestini, A Perali, P Pieri, GC Strinati
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 82 (2), 021605, 2010
Band-edge BCS–BEC crossover in a two-band superconductor: physical properties and detection parameters
A Guidini, A Perali
Superconductor Science and Technology 27 (12), 124002, 2014
Enhanced paraconductivity-like fluctuations in the radiofrequency spectra of ultracold Fermi atoms
P Pieri, A Perali, GC Strinati
Nature Physics 5 (10), 736-740, 2009
Dimensional crossover and incipient quantum size effects in superconducting niobium nanofilms
N Pinto, SJ Rezvani, A Perali, L Flammia, MV Milošević, M Fretto, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 4710, 2018
Anomalous isotope effect near a 2.5 Lifshitz transition in a multi-band multi-condensate superconductor made of a superlattice of stripes
A Perali, D Innocenti, A Valletta, A Bianconi
Superconductor Science and Technology 25 (12), 124002, 2012
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Articles 1–20