Paul Allanson
Paul Allanson
Professor of Economics, University of Dundee School of Business
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Multiproduct firms and market structure: An explorative application to the product life cycle
P Allanson, C Montagna
International Journal of Industrial Organization 23 (7-8), 587-597, 2005
The rural economy and the British countryside
P Allanson, M Whitby
Routledge, 2013
The redistributive effects of agricultural policy on Scottish farm incomes
P Allanson
Journal of agricultural economics 57 (1), 117-128, 2006
Longitudinal analysis of income-related health inequality
P Allanson, UG Gerdtham, D Petrie
Journal of Health Economics 29 (1), 78-86, 2010
No end to the racial wage hierarchy in South Africa?
P Allanson, JP Atkins, T Hinks
Review of Development Economics 6 (3), 442-459, 2002
Farm Size Structure In England And Wales 1939‐89
P Allanson
Journal of Agricultural Economics 43 (2), 137-148, 1992
On the characterisation and measurement of the redistributive effect of agricultural policy
P Allanson
Journal of Agricultural Economics 59 (1), 169-187, 2008
On the choice of health inequality measure for the longitudinal analysis of income‐related health inequalities
P Allanson, D Petrie
Health economics 22 (3), 353-365, 2013
A comparative analysis of the redistributive effects of agricultural policy in Tuscany and Scotland
P Allanson, B Rocchi
Review of Agricultural and Environmental Studies-Revue d'Etudes en …, 2008
Classical horizontal inequities in the provision of agricultural income support
P Allanson
Review of Agricultural Economics 29 (4), 656-671, 2007
Sustainability and the rural economy: an evolutionary perspective
P Allanson, J Murdoch, G Garrod, P Lowe
Environment and Planning A 27 (11), 1797-1814, 1995
A multilateral decomposition of racial wage differentials in the 1994 South African labour market
P Allanson, J Atkins, T Hinks
The Journal of Development Studies 37 (1), 93-120, 2000
Areal interpolation of spatially extensive variables: a comparison of alternative techniques
A Moxey, P Allanson
International Journal of Geographical Information Systems 8 (5), 479-487, 1994
Longitudinal methods to investigate the role of health determinants in the dynamics of income-related health inequality
P Allanson, D Petrie
Journal of health economics 32 (5), 922-937, 2013
Accounting for the dead in the longitudinal analysis of income-related health inequalities
D Petrie, P Allanson, UG Gerdtham
Journal of Health Economics 30 (5), 1113-1123, 2011
The evolution of the racial wage hierarchy in post-apartheid South Africa
P Allanson, J Atkins
The Journal of Development Studies 41 (6), 1023-1050, 2005
On the comparative evaluation of agricultural income distributions in the European Union
P Allanson, L Hubbard
European Review of Agricultural Economics 26 (1), 1-17, 1999
Understanding the vertical equity judgements underpinning health inequality measures
P Allanson, D Petrie
Health Economics 23 (11), 1390-1396, 2014
Income mobility and income inequality in Scottish agriculture
P Allanson, K Kasprzyk, AP Barnes
Journal of Agricultural Economics 68 (2), 471-493, 2017
Income stratification and between-group inequality
P Allanson
Economics letters 124 (2), 227-230, 2014
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Articles 1–20