R. Alexander Bentley
R. Alexander Bentley
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Strontium isotopes from the earth to the archaeological skeleton: a review
R Alexander Bentley
Journal of archaeological method and theory 13 (3), 135-187, 2006
The characterization of biologically available strontium isotope ratios for the study of prehistoric migration
TD Price, JH Burton, RA Bentley
Archaeometry 44 (1), 117-135, 2002
Random drift and culture change
RA Bentley, MW Hahn, SJ Shennan
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2004
Determining the ‘local’87Sr/86Sr range for archaeological skeletons: a case study from Neolithic Europe
RA Bentley, TD Price, E Stephan
Journal of Archaeological Science 31 (4), 365-375, 2004
Prehistoric human migration in the Linearbandkeramik of Central Europe
TD Price, RA Bentley, J Lüning, D Gronenborn, J Wahl
Antiquity 75 (289), 593-603, 2001
Drift as a mechanism for cultural change: an example from baby names
MW Hahn, RA Bentley
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2003
Geographical patterns in biologically available strontium, carbon and oxygen isotope signatures in prehistoric SW Germany
RA Bentley, C Knipper
Archaeometry 47 (3), 629-644, 2005
Cultural transmission and stochastic network growth
RA Bentley, SJ Shennan
American Antiquity 68 (3), 459-485, 2003
Prehistoric migration in Europe: strontium isotope analysis of early Neolithic skeletons
RA Bentley, TD Price, J Lning, D Gronenborn, J Wahl, PD Fullagar
Current Anthropology 43 (5), 799-804, 2002
Human mobility at the early Neolithic settlement of Vaihingen, Germany: evidence from strontium isotope analysis
RA Bentley, R Krause, TD Price, B Kaufmann
Archaeometry 45 (3), 471-486, 2003
Community differentiation and kinship among Europe’s first farmers
RA Bentley, P Bickle, L Fibiger, GM Nowell, CW Dale, REM Hedges, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (24), 9326-9330, 2012
Random drift and large shifts in popularity of dog breeds
HA Herzog, RA Bentley, MW Hahn
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2004
Regular rates of popular culture change reflect random copying
RA Bentley, CP Lipo, HA Herzog, MW Hahn
Evolution and Human Behavior 28 (3), 151-158, 2007
Complex systems and archaeology
RA Bentley, HDG Maschner
University of Utah Press, 2003
The expression of emotions in 20th century books
A Acerbi, V Lampos, P Garnett, RA Bentley
PloS one 8 (3), e59030, 2013
Network scaling reveals consistent fractal pattern in hierarchical mammalian societies
RA Hill, RA Bentley, RIM Dunbar
Biology letters 4 (6), 748-751, 2008
Lapita migrants in the Pacific's oldest cemetery: isotopic analysis at Teouma, Vanuatu
RA Bentley, HR Buckley, M Spriggs, S Bedford, CJ Ottley, GM Nowell, ...
American Antiquity 72 (4), 645-656, 2007
Mobility and kinship in the prehistoric Sahara: Strontium isotope analysis of Holocene human skeletons from the Acacus Mts.(southwestern Libya)
MA Tafuri, RA Bentley, G Manzi, S Di Lernia
Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 25 (3), 390-402, 2006
Mapping collective behavior in the big-data era
RA Bentley, MJ O'Brien, WA Brock
Behavioral and Brain Sciences 37 (1), 63-76, 2014
Matrilocality during the prehistoric transition to agriculture in Thailand?
RA Bentley, M Pietrusewsky, MT Douglas, TC Atkinson
antiquity 79 (306), 865-881, 2005
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