Christopher R. Niileksela
Christopher R. Niileksela
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Cited by
Keeping students on track to graduate: A synthesis of school dropout trends, prevention, and intervention initiatives.
M Ecker-Lyster, C Niileksela
Journal of At-Risk Issues 19 (2), 24-31, 2016
Behavioral economics: A tutorial for behavior analysts in practice
DD Reed, CR Niileksela, BA Kaplan
Behavior analysis in practice 6, 34-54, 2013
Enhancing gifted education for underrepresented students: Promising recruitment and programming strategies
M Ecker-Lyster, C Niileksela
Journal for the Education of the Gifted 40 (1), 79-95, 2017
An alternative Cattell–Horn–Carroll (CHC) factor structure of the WAIS-IV: Age invariance of an alternative model for ages 70–90.
CR Niileksela, MR Reynolds, AS Kaufman
Psychological Assessment 25 (2), 391, 2013
Cognitive ability influences on written expression: Evidence for developmental and sex-based differences in school-age children
DB Hajovsky, EF Villeneuve, MR Reynolds, CR Niileksela, BA Mason, ...
Journal of School Psychology 67, 104-118, 2018
How well is psychometric g indexed by global composites? Evidence from three popular intelligence tests.
MR Reynolds, RG Floyd, CR Niileksela
Psychological Assessment 25 (4), 1314, 2013
A special validity study of the Woodcock–Johnson IV: Acting on evidence for specific abilities
CR Niileksela, MR Reynolds, TZ Keith, KS McGrew
WJ IV Clinical Use and Interpretation, 65-106, 2016
The role of task value and technology satisfaction in student performance in graduate-level online courses
AA Alanazi, BB Frey, C Niileksela, SW Lee, A Nong, F Alharbi
TechTrends 64 (6), 922-930, 2020
Test Review: Schrank, F. A., McGrew, K. S., & Mather, N. (2014). Woodcock-Johnson IV Tests of Cognitive Abilities
MR Reynolds, CR Niileksela
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment 33 (4), 381-390, 2015
Enduring the tests of age and time: Wechsler constructs across versions and revisions
CR Niileksela, MR Reynolds
Intelligence 77, 101403, 2019
Global, broad, or specific cognitive differences? Using a MIMIC model to examine differences in CHC abilities in children with learning disabilities
CR Niileksela, MR Reynolds
Journal of Learning Disabilities 47 (3), 224-236, 2014
Working memory capacity development through childhood: A longitudinal analysis.
MR Reynolds, CR Niileksela, GE Gignac, CN Sevillano
Developmental psychology 58 (7), 1254, 2022
Spearman's law of diminishing returns and the DAS-II: Do g effects on subtest scores depend on the level of g?
MR Reynolds, DB Hajovsky, CR Niileksela, TZ Keith
School Psychology Quarterly 26 (4), 275, 2011
Rural schools' mental health needs: Educators' perceptions of mental health needs and services in rural schools.
SW Lee, JH Lohmeier, C Niileksela, J Oeth
Journal of Rural Mental Health 33 (1), 26, 2009
Behavioral economics: A tutorial for behavior analysis in practice. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 6 (1), 34–54
DD Reed, CR Niileksela, BA Kaplan
The dose–effect and good enough level models of change for specific psychological concerns.
CR Niileksela, A Ghosh, RA Janis
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 89 (3), 200, 2021
Investigating factorial invariance of the Counseling Center Assessment of Psychological Symptoms-34 (CCAPS-34) with military and nonmilitary students
A Ghosh, CR Niileksela, A Parham, RA Janis
Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development 54 (1), 42-55, 2021
Identifying dyslexia with confirmatory latent profile analysis
CR Niileksela, J Templin
Psychology in the Schools 56 (3), 335-359, 2019
The influence of technology rich learning environments: A classroom-based observational study
JC Hare, M Ault, C Niileksela
Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International …, 2011
What does the Shipley-2 measure for children and adolescents? Integrated and conjoint confirmatory factor analysis with the WISC-IV
MR Reynolds, DB Hajovsky, JR Pace, CR Niileksela
Assessment 23 (1), 23-41, 2016
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Articles 1–20