Vojtech Spurny
Vojtech Spurny
Multi-robot Systems Group, CTU in Prague
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Cited by
The MRS UAV system: Pushing the frontiers of reproducible research, real-world deployment, and education with autonomous unmanned aerial vehicles
T Baca, M Petrlik, M Vrba, V Spurny, R Penicka, D Hert, M Saska
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 102 (1), 26, 2021
Autonomous landing on a moving vehicle with an unmanned aerial vehicle
T Baca, P Stepan, V Spurny, D Hert, R Penicka, M Saska, J Thomas, ...
Journal of Field Robotics 36 (5), 874-891, 2019
Cooperative autonomous search, grasping, and delivering in a treasure hunt scenario by a team of unmanned aerial vehicles
V Spurný, T Báča, M Saska, R Pěnička, T Krajník, J Thomas, D Thakur, ...
Journal of Field Robotics 36 (1), 125-148, 2019
Darpa subterranean challenge: Multi-robotic exploration of underground environments
T Rouček, M Pecka, P Čížek, T Petříček, J Bayer, V Šalanský, D Heřt, ...
Modelling and Simulation for Autonomous Systems: 6th International …, 2020
Localization, grasping, and transportation of magnetic objects by a team of mavs in challenging desert-like environments
G Loianno, V Spurny, J Thomas, T Baca, D Thakur, D Hert, R Penicka, ...
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 3 (3), 1576-1583, 2018
Fault-tolerant formation driving mechanism designed for heterogeneous MAVs-UGVs groups
M Saska, T Krajník, V Vonásek, Z Kasl, V Spurný, L Přeučil
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 73, 603-622, 2014
Predictive control and stabilization of nonholonomic formations with integrated spline-path planning
M Saska, V Spurný, V Vonásek
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 75, 379-397, 2016
Documentation of dark areas of large historical buildings by a formation of unmanned aerial vehicles using model predictive control
M Saska, V Krátký, V Spurný, T Báča
2017 22nd IEEE international conference on emerging technologies and factory …, 2017
Complex manoeuvres of heterogeneous mav-ugv formations using a model predictive control
V Spurny, T Baca, M Saska
2016 21st International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and …, 2016
Autonomous firefighting inside buildings by an unmanned aerial vehicle
V Spurny, V Pritzl, V Walter, M Petrlik, T Baca, P Stepan, D Zaitlik, ...
IEEE Access 9, 15872-15890, 2021
System for multi-robotic exploration of underground environments ctu-cras-norlab in the darpa subterranean challenge
T Roucek, M Pecka, P Cızek, T Petrıcek, J Bayer, V Šalansky, T Azayev, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.05911, 2021
MRS modular UAV hardware platforms for supporting research in real-world outdoor and indoor environments
D Hert, T Baca, P Petracek, V Kratky, V Spurny, M Petrlik, M Vrba, D Zaitlik, ...
2022 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), 1264-1273, 2022
MRS drone: A modular platform for real-world deployment of aerial multi-robot systems
D Hert, T Baca, P Petracek, V Kratky, R Penicka, V Spurny, M Petrlik, ...
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 108 (4), 64, 2023
Autonomous reflectance transformation imaging by a team of unmanned aerial vehicles
V Krátký, P Petráček, V Spurný, M Saska
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 5 (2), 2302-2309, 2020
Cooperative transport of large objects by a pair of unmanned aerial systems using sampling-based motion planning
V Spurny, M Petrlik, V Vonasek, M Saska
2019 24th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory …, 2019
On solution of the Dubins touring problem
J Faigl, P Váňa, M Saska, T Báča, V Spurný
2017 European Conference on Mobile Robots (ECMR), 1-6, 2017
Autonomous capture of agile flying objects using UAVs: The MBZIRC 2020 challenge
M Vrba, Y Stasinchuk, T Báča, V Spurný, M Petrlík, D Heřt, D Žaitlík, ...
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 149, 103970, 2022
Autonomous cooperative wall building by a team of unmanned aerial vehicles in the MBZIRC 2020 competition
T Baca, R Penicka, P Stepan, M Petrlik, V Spurny, D Hert, M Saska
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 167, 104482, 2023
On onboard LiDAR-based flying object detection
M Vrba, V Walter, V Pritzl, M Pliska, T Báča, V Spurný, D Heřt, M Saska
IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 2024
A multi-uav system for detection and elimination of multiple targets
Y Stasinchuk, M Vrba, M Petrlík, T Báča, V Spurný, D Hert, D Žaitlík, ...
2021 IEEE international conference on robotics and automation (ICRA), 555-561, 2021
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Articles 1–20