josh whitford
josh whitford
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Pragmatism and the untenable dualism of means and ends: Why rational choice theory does not deserve paradigmatic privilege
J Whitford
Theory and Society 31 (3), 325-363, 2002
The decline of a model? Challenge and response in the Italian industrial districts
J Whitford
Economy and society 30 (1), 38-65, 2001
The New Old Economy: Networks, Institutions and the Organizational Transformation of American Manufacturing
J Whitford
Oxford University Press, 2005
The anatomy of network failure
A Schrank, J Whitford
Sociological Theory 29 (3), 151-177, 2011
Industrial policy in the United States: A neo-Polanyian interpretation
A Schrank, J Whitford
Politics & Society 37 (4), 521-553, 2009
Governing decentralized production: institutions, public policy, and the prospects for inter-firm collaboration in US manufacturing
J Whitford, J Zeitlin
Industry and Innovation 11 (1-2), 11-44, 2004
Surviving the fall of a king: The regional institutional implications of crisis at Fiat Auto
J Whitford, A Enrietti
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 29 (4), 771-795, 2005
Regional economies, open networks and the spatial fragmentation of production
J Whitford, C Potter
Socio-Economic Review 5 (3), 497-526, 2007
The network firm as a political coalition
J Whitford, F Zirpoli
Organization Studies 37 (9), 1227-1248, 2016
Pragmatism, practice, and the boundaries of organization
J Whitford, F Zirpoli
Organization Science 25 (6), 1823-1839, 2014
The paradox of the weak state revisited: industrial policy, network governance, and political decentralization
J Whitford, A Schrank
State of innovation, 261-281, 2015
Waltzing, relational work, and the construction (or not) of collaboration in manufacturing industries
J Whitford
Politics & Society 40 (2), 249-272, 2012
Innovation, generative relationships and scaffolding structures: implications of a complexity perspective to innovation for public and private interventions
F Rossi, M Russo
Innovation in complex social systems, 168-179, 2010
Industrial districts in a globalizing world: A model to change or a model of change?-Materiali di discussione del Dipartimento di Economia Politica (Università di Modena e …
M Russo, J Whitford
Materiali di Discussione, 2009
Brokerage and boots on the ground: Complements or substitutes in the manufacturing extension partnerships?
P Brandt, A Schrank, J Whitford
Economic Development Quarterly 32 (4), 288-299, 2018
Common problems and collaborative solutions: OEM-supplier relationships and the Wisconsin Manufacturing Partnership’s Supplier Training Consortium
J Rickert, J Rogers, D Vassina, J Whitford, J Zeitlin
Draft report produced for the Center on Wisconsin Strategy, January, 2000
Fixing network failures? The contested case of the American Manufacturing Extension Partnership
P Brandt, J Whitford
Socio-Economic Review 15 (2), 331-357, 2017
Diversified Quality Production 2.0: on Arndt Sorge and Wolfgang Streeck,‘Diversified quality production re-visited: Its contribution to German socioeconomic performance over time’
L Baccaro, V Doellgast, T Edwards, J Whitford
Socio-Economic Review 16 (3), 613-635, 2018
Quale governance dopo una monarchia? Le implicazioni della crisi Fiat a livello locale
A Enrietti, J Whitford
Stato e mercato 26 (1), 23-54, 2006
Improving performances at the second tier of the automotive supply chain: Fiat’s “guided improvement” programme in comparative perspective
M Follis, A Enrietti, J Whitford
Tenth Gerpisa International Colloquium, Paris, France, 6-8, 2002
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