Moammer (Maamar) AL Tobi
Moammer (Maamar) AL Tobi
National University of Science & Technology, Oman (college of Engineering)
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Fault diagnosis of a centrifugal pump using MLP-GABP and SVM with CWT
MAS ALTobi, G Bevan, P Wallace, D Harrison, KP Ramachandran
Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal 22 (3), 854-861, 2019
Machinery Faults Diagnosis using Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Naïve Bayes classifiers
CA Maamar Ali Saud AL Tobi, Ramachandran. KP., Saleh AL-Araimi, Rene ...
International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 70 (12), 26-34, 2022
A review to do fishermen boat automation with artificial intelligence for sustainable fishing experience ensuring safety, security, navigation and sharing information for Omani …
R Amuthakkannan, K Vijayalakshmi, S Al Araimi, M Ali Saud Al Tobi
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 11 (3), 630, 2023
Faults diagnosis of a centrifugal pump using multilayer perceptron genetic algorithm back propagation and support vector machine with discrete wavelet transform‐based feature …
M Al Tobi, G Bevan, P Wallace, D Harrison, KE Okedu
Computational Intelligence 37 (1), 21-46, 2021
Comparative study of the effects of machine parameters on DFIG and PMSG variable speed wind turbines during grid fault
KE Okedu, M Al Tobi, S Al Araimi
Frontiers in Energy Research 9, 681443, 2021
Using MLP‐GABP and SVM with wavelet packet transform‐based feature extraction for fault diagnosis of a centrifugal pump
M Al Tobi, G Bevan, P Wallace, D Harrison, KE Okedu
Energy Science & Engineering 10 (6), 1826-1839, 2022
Centrifugal pump condition monitoring and diagnosis using frequency domain analysis
MAS ALTobi, G Bevan, P Wallace, D Harrison, KP Ramachandran
Advances in Condition Monitoring of Machinery in Non-Stationary Operations …, 2019
Experimental set-up for investigation of fault diagnosis of a centrifugal pump
MAS Al Tobi, G Bevan, KP Ramachandran, P Wallace, D Harrison
International Journal of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering 11 (3), 481-485, 2017
A review on applications of wavelet transform and artificial intelligence systems in fault diagnosis of rotating machinery
MAS Al Tobi, G Bevan, P Wallace, D Harrison, KP Ramachandran
International Journal of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering 4 …, 2016
Rolling element bearing faults detection, a time domain analysis
MAS Al-Tubi, KF Al-Raheem
Caledonian Journal of Engineering 6, 44-48, 2010
Rolling element bearing faults detection, wavelet de-noising analysis
M Al-Tobi, KF Al-Raheem
Univ J Mech Eng 5, 47-51, 2015
Cavitation detection of centrifugal pump using Time–Domain method
International Journal Of Engineering Research and General Science 4, 161-167, 2016
Machinery Fault Diagnosis using Continuous Wavelet Transform and Artificial Intelligence based classification
MAS Al Tobi, R K p, S Al-Araimi, R Pacturan, A Rajakannu, G Achuthan
Proceedings of the 2022 3rd International Conference on Robotics Systems and …, 2022
A review on applications of genetic algorithm for artificial neural network
MAS Al Tobi, G Bevan, P Wallace, D Harrison, KP Ramachandran
International Journal of Advance Computational Engineering and Networking 4 …, 2016
Rotor misalignment and unbalance detection using wavelet and neural network techniques
MAS Al-Tubi
Scottish Journal of arts, social sciences and scientific studies, 33, 2015
Maamar Ali Saud Al Tobi An experimental approach for controlling centrifugal pump’s cavitation
AHS Al Haddabil
International Journal of Recent Engineering Research and Development, 6-8, 2016
Diagnosis of Centrifugal Pump's Impeller Condition Using Frequency-Domain Analysis
MASAL Tobi, MMS AL-Mahdi
Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research 2 (12), 2016
Artificial Intelligence Methods for Fault Diagnosis in Centrifugal Pumps
MAS Al Tobi, G Bevan, K Okedu
AIP Publishing LLC, 2022
Fault Diagnosis Using MLP and SVM with DWT Based Feature Extraction
MAS Al Tobi, G Bevan, K Okedu
Artificial Intelligence Methods for Fault Diagnosis in Centrifugal Pumps, 9 …, 2022
Technical Background on Centrifugal Pumps
M Ali Saud Al Tobi
Artificial Intelligence Methods for Fault Diagnosis in Centrifugal Pumps, 1 …, 2022
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Articles 1–20