Constantinos Valagiannopoulos
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Cited by
Parity-time symmetric nonlocal metasurfaces: all-angle negative refraction and volumetric imaging
F Monticone, CA Valagiannopoulos, A Alu
Physical Review X 6 (4), 041018, 2016
Perfect absorption in graphene multilayers
IS Nefedov, CA Valagiannopoulos, LA Melnikov
Journal of Optics 15 (11), 114003, 2013
Total absorption in asymmetric hyperbolic media
IS Nefedov, CA Valagiannopoulos, SM Hashemi, EI Nefedov
Scientific Reports 3 (1), 2662, 2013
Perfect magnetic mirror and simple perfect absorber in the visible spectrum
CA Valagiannopoulos, A Tukiainen, T Aho, T Niemi, M Guina, ...
Physical Review B 91 (11), 115305, 2015
Core-shell nanospheres under visible light: Optimal absorption, scattering, and cloaking
A Sheverdin, C Valagiannopoulos
Physical Review B 99 (7), 075305, 2019
Metasurface-enabled interference mitigation in visible light communication architectures
C Valagiannopoulos, TA Tsiftsis, V Kovanis
Journal of Optics 21 (11), 115702, 2019
Electromagnetic scattering from two eccentric metamaterial cylinders with frequency-dependent permittivities differing slightly each other
C Valagiannopoulos
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B 3, 23-34, 2008
Photonic inverse design with neural networks: The case of invisibility in the visible
A Sheverdin, F Monticone, C Valagiannopoulos
Physical Review Applied 14 (2), 024054, 2020
On-site wireless power generation
Y Ra’Di, B Chowkwale, C Valagiannopoulos, F Liu, A Alu, CR Simovski, ...
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 66 (8), 4260-4268, 2018
Epsilon-near-zero behavior from plasmonic Dirac point: Theory and realization using two-dimensional materials
M Mattheakis, CA Valagiannopoulos, E Kaxiras
Physical Review B 94 (20), 201404, 2016
Electromagnetic scattering of the field of a metamaterial slab antenna by an arbitrarily positioned cluster of metallic cylinders
C Valagiannopoulos
Progress In Electromagnetics Research 114, 51-66, 2011
On examining the influence of a thin dielectric strip posed across the diameter of a penetrable radiating cylinder
C Valagiannopoulos
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C 3, 203-214, 2008
Waves in hyperbolic and double negative metamaterials including rogues and solitons
AD Boardman, A Alberucci, G Assanto, VV Grimalsky, B Kibler, J McNiff, ...
Nanotechnology 28 (44), 444001, 2017
Limits for absorption and scattering by core-shell nanowires in the visible spectrum
A Abrashuly, C Valagiannopoulos
Physical Review Applied 11 (1), 014051, 2019
Integral equation analysis of a low-profile receiving planar microstrip antenna with a cloaking superstrate
CA Valagiannopoulos, NL Tsitsas
Radio Science 47 (02), 1-12, 2012
Arbitrary currents on circular cylinder with inhomogeneous cladding and RCS optimization
CA Valagiannopoulos
Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications 21 (5), 665-680, 2007
PT-symmetric planar devices for field transformation and imaging
CA Valagiannopoulos, F Monticone, A Alù
Journal of Optics 18 (4), 044028, 2016
Enhanced stability, bistability, and exceptional points in saturable active photonic couplers
Y Zhiyenbayev, Y Kominis, C Valagiannopoulos, V Kovanis, A Bountis
Physical Review A 100 (4), 043834, 2019
Closed–Form Solution to the Scattering of a Skew Strip Field by Metallic Pin in a Slab
CA Valagiannopoulos
Progress In Electromagnetics Research 79, 1-21, 2008
Robust polarization twist by pairs of multilayers with tilted optical axes
A Sarsen, C Valagiannopoulos
Physical Review B 99 (11), 115304, 2019
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Articles 1–20