Joseph Kolowski
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Cited by
Spatial, temporal, and physical characteristics of livestock depredations by large carnivores along a Kenyan reserve border
JM Kolowski, KE Holekamp
Biological conservation 128 (4), 529-541, 2006
Social and ecological determinants of fission–fusion dynamics in the spotted hyaena
JE Smith, JM Kolowski, KE Graham, SE Dawes, KE Holekamp
Animal Behaviour 76 (3), 619-636, 2008
An empirical evaluation of camera trap study design: How many, how long and when?
R Kays, BS Arbogast, M Baker‐Whatton, C Beirne, HM Boone, M Bowler, ...
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 11 (6), 700-713, 2020
Camera trap placement and the potential for bias due to trails and other features
JM Kolowski, TD Forrester
PloS one 12 (10), e0186679, 2017
Daily patterns of activity in the spotted hyena
JM Kolowski, D Katan, KR Theis, KE Holekamp
Journal of Mammalogy 88 (4), 1017-1028, 2007
Arboreal camera trapping: taking a proven method to new heights
T Gregory, F Carrasco Rueda, J Deichmann, J Kolowski, A Alonso
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 5 (5), 443-451, 2014
Fecal glucocorticoids reflect socio-ecological and anthropogenic stressors in the lives of wild spotted hyenas
PE Van Meter, JA French, SM Dloniak, HE Watts, JM Kolowski, ...
Hormones and behavior 55 (2), 329-337, 2009
Density and activity patterns of ocelots (Leopardus pardalis) in northern Peru and the impact of oil exploration activities
JM Kolowski, A Alonso
Biological Conservation 143 (4), 917-925, 2010
Distribution of a community of mammals in relation to roads and other human disturbances in Gabon, Central Africa
H Vanthomme, J Kolowski, L Korte, A Alonso
Conservation Biology 27 (2), 281-291, 2013
Ecological and anthropogenic influences on space use by spotted hyaenas
JM Kolowski, KE Holekamp
Journal of zoology 277 (1), 23-36, 2009
Microhabitat use by bobcats in southern Illinois
JM Kolowski, A Woolf
The Journal of Wildlife Management, 822-832, 2002
Effects of an open refuse pit on space use patterns of spotted hyenas
JM Kolowski, KE Holekamp
African Journal of Ecology 46 (3), 341-349, 2008
Natural canopy bridges effectively mitigate tropical forest fragmentation for arboreal mammals
T Gregory, F Carrasco-Rueda, A Alonso, J Kolowski, JL Deichmann
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 3892, 2017
High‐density camera trap grid reveals lack of consistency in detection and capture rates across space and time
JM Kolowski, J Oley, WJ McShea
Ecosphere 12 (2), e03350, 2021
Using Penrose distance to identify potential risk of wildlife–vehicle collisions
JM Kolowski, CK Nielsen
Biological Conservation 141 (4), 1119-1128, 2008
KE Holekamp, JM Kolowski
Handbook of mammals of the world: carnivores, 234-260, 2009
Movements of four forest elephants in an oil concession in Gabon, Central Africa
JM Kolowski, S Blake, MD Kock, ME Lee, A Henderson, A Honorez, ...
African Journal of Ecology 48 (4), 1134-1138, 2010
Primate abundance in an unhunted region of the northern Peruvian Amazon and the influence of seismic oil exploration
JM Kolowski, A Alonso
International Journal of Primatology 33, 958-971, 2012
Status of the bobcat in Illinois
A Woolf, CK Nielsen
Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Final Report, Federal Aid Project …, 1999
Activity patterns of tayra (Eira barbara) across their distribution
ÁJ Villafañe-Trujillo, JM Kolowski, MV Cove, EP Medici, BJ Harmsen, ...
Journal of Mammalogy 102 (3), 772-788, 2021
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Articles 1–20