Jason Fitzsimmons
Jason Fitzsimmons
MILA University
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Cited by
Interaction between feasibility and desirability in the formation of entrepreneurial intentions
JR Fitzsimmons, EJ Douglas
Journal of business venturing 26 (4), 431-440, 2011
Growing profitable or growing from profits: putting the horse in front of the cart?
P Davidsson, P Steffens, J Fitzsimmons
Journal of business venturing 24 (4), 388-406, 2009
Performance configurations over time: implications for growth–and profit–oriented strategies
P Steffens, P Davidsson, J Fitzsimmons
Entrepreneurship theory and practice 33 (1), 125-148, 2009
Intrapreneurial intentions versus entrepreneurial intentions: distinct constructs with different antecedents
EJ Douglas, JR Fitzsimmons
Small business economics 41, 115-132, 2013
Entrepreneurial attitudes and entrepreneurial intentions: a cross-cultural study of potential entrepreneurs in India, China, Thailand and Australia
JR Fitzsimmons, EJ Douglas
Babson-Kauffman Entrepreneurial Research Conference, Wellesley, MA 47, 2005
Growth and profitability in small and medium sized Australian firms
J Fitzsimmons, P Steffens, E Douglas
Proceedings AGSE Entrepreneurship Exchange, Melbourne, 2005
The effect of brand personality congruence, brand attachment and brand love on loyalty among HENRY's in the luxury branding sector
K Shetty, JR Fitzsimmons
Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management: An International Journal 26 (1 …, 2022
Intrapreneurship in Australian firms
JR Fitzsimmons, EJ Douglas, B Antoncic, RD Hisrich
Journal of Management & Organization 11 (1), 17-27, 2005
Individual intentions towards entrepreneurship vs intrapreneurship
E Douglas, J Fitzsimmons
Proceedings of the 5th AGSE International Entrepreneurship Research Exchange …, 2008
Entrepreneurial intentions towards individual vs corporate entrepreneurship
E Douglas, J Fitzsimmons
Small enterprise research: The Journal of SEAANZ, 1-22, 2005
MBA admission criteria and an entrepreneurial mind-set: Evidence from “western” style MBAs in India and Thailand
DA Shepherd, EJ Douglas, JR Fitzsimmons
Academy of Management Learning & Education 7 (2), 158-172, 2008
Clarifying the business model construct
SA Aziz, J Fitzsimmons, E Douglas
Swinburne, 2008
The impact of overconfidence on entrepreneurial intentions
J Fitzsimmons, E Douglas
Regional Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 2006: Proceedings of the 3rd …, 2006
Entrepreneurship and Social MediaInfluencers in an Islamic Context
KS Datta, O Adkins, JR Fitzsimmons
Understanding Social Media and Entrepreneurship: The Business of Hashtags …, 2020
Entrepreneurs and funding decisions: evidence from Australian SMEs
JR Fitzsimmons, EJ Douglas
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 3 (1), 76-91, 2006
Student evaluation of faculty: An analysis of survey results
A Wong, J Fitzsimmons
U21Global Working Paper Series, 2008
A temporal typology of entrepreneurial opportunities: Implications for the optimal timing of entrepreneurial action
JS McMullen, JR Fitzsimmons, K Shetty, S Ramoglou
Journal of Business Venturing 39 (1), 106356, 2024
Performance assessment in entrepreneurship and management research: Is there a pro-growth bias?
P Davidsson, PR Steffens, JR Fitzsimmons
A choice modeling approach to predict entrepreneurial intentions from attitudes and perceived abilities
P Steffens, J Fitzsimmons, E Douglas
Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 2006, 219-233, 2006
Performance assessment in entrepreneurship research: is there a pro-growth bias
P Davidsson, P Steffens, J Fitzsimmons
Manuscript downloadable from http://eprints. qut. edu. au/archive/00012040, 2007
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Articles 1–20