Caldeira, Gregory A
Caldeira, Gregory A
Dreher Chair, Distinguished University Professor, Political Science, Professor of Law, Moritz
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Cited by
On the legitimacy of national high courts
JL Gibson, GA Caldeira, VA Baird
American Political Science Review 92 (2), 343-358, 1998
The etiology of public support for the Supreme Court
GA Caldeira, JL Gibson
American journal of political science, 635-664, 1992
Organized interests and agenda setting in the US Supreme Court
GA Caldeira, JR Wright
American Political Science Review 82 (4), 1109-1127, 1988
Measuring attitudes toward the United States supreme court
JL Gibson, GA Caldeira, LK Spence
American Journal of Political Science 47 (2), 354-367, 2003
Neither the purse nor the sword: Dynamics of public confidence in the Supreme Court
GA Caldeira
American Political Science Review 80 (4), 1209-1226, 1986
Citizens, courts, and confirmations: Positivity theory and the judgments of the American people
JL Gibson, GA Caldeira
Princeton University Press, 2009
Getting out the vote: Participation in gubernatorial elections
SC Patterson, GA Caldeira
American Political Science Review 77 (3), 675-689, 1983
Sophisticated voting and gate-keeping in the Supreme Court
GA Caldeira, JR Wright, CJW Zorn
Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization 15 (3), 549-572, 1999
The Supreme Court and the US presidential election of 2000: Wounds, self-inflicted or otherwise?
JL Gibson, GA Caldeira, LK Spence
British Journal of Political Science 33 (4), 535-556, 2003
Why do people accept public policies they oppose? Testing legitimacy theory with a survey-based experiment
JL Gibson, GA Caldeira, LK Spence
Political Research Quarterly 58 (2), 187-201, 2005
The legitimacy of the Court of Justice in the European Union: Models of institutional support
GA Caldeira, JL Gibson
American Political Science Review 89 (2), 356-376, 1995
The legitimacy of transnational legal institutions: Compliance, support, and the European Court of Justice
JL Gibson, GA Caldeira
American Journal of Political Science, 459-489, 1995
Amici curiae before the supreme court: who participates, when, and how much?
GA Caldeira, JR Wright
The Journal of Politics 52 (3), 782-806, 1990
Public opinion and the US Supreme Court: FDR's court-packing plan
GA Caldeira
American Political Science Review 81 (4), 1139-1153, 1987
The legal cultures of Europe
JL Gibson, GA Caldeira
Law & Society Review 30 (1), 55-85, 1996
Has legal realism damaged the legitimacy of the US Supreme Court?
JL Gibson, GA Caldeira
Law & Society Review 45 (1), 195-219, 2011
The mobilization of voters in congressional elections
GA Caldeira, SC Patterson, GA Markko
The Journal of Politics 47 (2), 490-509, 1985
Knowing the Supreme Court? A reconsideration of public ignorance of the high court
JL Gibson, GA Caldeira
The Journal of Politics 71 (2), 429-441, 2009
The transmission of legal precedent: A study of state Supreme Courts
GA Caldeira
American Political Science Review 79 (1), 178-194, 1985
Blacks and the United States Supreme Court: models of diffuse support
JL Gibson, GA Caldeira
The Journal of Politics 54 (4), 1120-1145, 1992
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