Valentina Cardi
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The effects of negative and positive mood induction on eating behaviour: A meta-analysis of laboratory studies in the healthy population and eating and weight disorders
V Cardi, J Leppanen, J Treasure
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 57, 299-309, 2015
A systematic review and meta-analysis of ‘Systems for Social Processes’ in eating disorders
HP Caglar-Nazali, F Corfield, V Cardi, S Ambwani, J Leppanen, ...
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 42, 55-92, 2014
Social reward and rejection sensitivity in eating disorders: An investigation of attentional bias and early experiences
V Cardi, RD Matteo, F Corfield, J Treasure
The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry 14 (8), 622-633, 2013
Cognitive-behavioral therapy for externalizing disorders: A meta-analysis of treatment effectiveness
G Battagliese, M Caccetta, OI Luppino, C Baglioni, V Cardi, F Mancini, ...
Behaviour research and therapy 75, 60-71, 2015
A three‐phase model of the social emotional functioning in eating disorders
J Treasure, F Corfield, V Cardi
European eating disorders review 20 (6), 431-438, 2012
Cognitive interpersonal model for anorexia nervosa revisited: The perpetuating factors that contribute to the development of the severe and enduring illness
J Treasure, D Willmott, S Ambwani, V Cardi, D Clark Bryan, K Rowlands, ...
Journal of Clinical Medicine 9 (3), 630, 2020
The perception of affective touch in anorexia nervosa
L Crucianelli, V Cardi, J Treasure, PM Jenkinson, A Fotopoulou
Psychiatry research 239, 72-78, 2016
Novel methods to help develop healthier eating habits for eating and weight disorders: A systematic review and meta-analysis
R Turton, K Bruidegom, V Cardi, CR Hirsch, J Treasure
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 61, 132-155, 2016
Emotion recognition deficits in eating disorders are explained by co-occurring alexithymia
R Brewer, R Cook, V Cardi, J Treasure, G Bird
Royal Society open science 2 (1), 140382, 2015
Exploring the ways in which COVID‐19 and lockdown has affected the lives of adult patients with anorexia nervosa and their carers
D Clark Bryan, P Macdonald, S Ambwani, V Cardi, K Rowlands, ...
European Eating Disorders Review 28 (6), 826-835, 2020
A case series to investigate food‐related fear learning and extinction using in vivo food exposure in anorexia nervosa: A clinical application of the inhibitory learning framework
V Cardi, J Leppanen, D Mataix‐Cols, IC Campbell, J Treasure
European eating disorders review 27 (2), 173-181, 2019
Early response to treatment in eating disorders: A systematic review and a diagnostic test accuracy meta‐analysis
BP Nazar, LK Gregor, G Albano, A Marchica, GL Coco, V Cardi, ...
European Eating Disorders Review 25 (2), 67-79, 2017
New treatment approaches for severe and enduring eating disorders
J Treasure, V Cardi, J Leppanen, R Turton
Physiology & behavior 152, 456-465, 2015
Premorbid and illness-related social difficulties in eating disorders: an overview of the literature and treatment developments
V Cardi, K Tchanturia, J Treasure
Current neuropharmacology 16 (8), 1122-1130, 2018
Social difficulties as risk and maintaining factors in anorexia nervosa: a mixed-method investigation
V Cardi, N Mallorqui-Bague, G Albano, AM Monteleone, ...
Frontiers in Psychiatry 9, 12, 2018
Video game therapy for emotional regulation and impulsivity control in a series of treated cases with bulimia nervosa
AB Fagundo, JJ Santamaría, L Forcano, C Giner‐Bartolomé, ...
European Eating Disorders Review 21 (6), 493-499, 2013
Intranasal oxytocin attenuates attentional bias for eating and fat shape stimuli in patients with anorexia nervosa
YR Kim, CH Kim, V Cardi, JS Eom, Y Seong, J Treasure
Psychoneuroendocrinology 44, 133-142, 2014
A multicenter audit of outpatient care for adult anorexia nervosa: Symptom trajectory, service use, and evidence in support of “early stage” versus “severe and enduring …
S Ambwani, V Cardi, G Albano, L Cao, RD Crosby, P Macdonald, ...
International Journal of Eating Disorders 53 (8), 1337-1348, 2020
Rank perception and self‐evaluation in eating disorders
V Cardi, R Di Matteo, P Gilbert, J Treasure
International Journal of Eating Disorders 47 (5), 543-552, 2014
Eating in eating disorders
J Treasure, V Cardi, C Kan
European Eating Disorders Review 20 (1), e42-e49, 2012
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