Gil Sadka
Gil Sadka
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Is financial reporting shaped by equity markets or by debt markets? An international study of timeliness and conservatism
R Ball, A Robin, G Sadka
Review of accounting studies 13, 168-205, 2008
Liquidity and the post-earnings-announcement drift
T Chordia, A Goyal, G Sadka, R Sadka, L Shivakumar
Financial Analysts Journal 65 (4), 18-32, 2009
Aggregate earnings and asset prices
R Ball, G Sadka, R Sadka
Journal of Accounting Research 47 (5), 1097-1133, 2009
Predictability and the earnings–returns relation
G Sadka, R Sadka
Journal of financial economics 94 (1), 87-106, 2009
Understanding stock price volatility: The role of earnings
G Sadka
Journal of Accounting research 45 (1), 199-228, 2007
Aggregate earnings and why they matter
R Ball, G Sadka
Journal of Accounting Literature 34 (1), 39-57, 2015
The economic consequences of accounting fraud in product markets: Theory and a case from the US telecommunications industry (WorldCom)
G Sadka
American Law and Economics Review 8 (3), 439-475, 2006
Earnings dispersion and aggregate stock returns
B Jorgensen, J Li, G Sadka
Journal of Accounting and Economics 53 (1-2), 1-20, 2012
Is accounting conservatism due to debt or share markets? A test of “contracting” versus “value relevance” theories of accounting
R Ball, A Robin, G Sadka
Graduate School of, 2005
Uncertainty and sectoral shifts: The interaction between firm-level and aggregate-level shocks, and macroeconomic activity
A Kalay, S Nallareddy, G Sadka
Management Science 64 (1), 198-214, 2018
Illiquidity and price informativeness
J Kerr, G Sadka, R Sadka
Management Science 66 (1), 334-351, 2020
Earnings news, expected earnings, and aggregate stock returns
JH Choi, A Kalay, G Sadka
Journal of Financial Markets 29, 110-143, 2016
Are timeliness and conservatism due to debt or equity markets? An international test of “contracting” and “value relevance” theories of accounting
R Ball, A Robin, G Sadka
Manuscript, University of Chicago, 2006
Industry characteristics, risk premiums, and debt pricing
D Amiram, A Kalay, G Sadka
The Accounting Review 92 (1), 1-27, 2017
Using accounting earnings and aggregate economic indicators to estimate firm-level systematic risk
R Ball, G Sadka, A Tseng
Review of Accounting Studies 27 (2), 607-646, 2022
Financial reporting, growth and productivity: theory and international evidence
G Sadka
Growth and Productivity: Theory and International Evidence (December 2004), 2004
The post-earnings-announcement drift and liquidity risk
G Sadka, R Sadka
Available at SSRN 487421, 2004
Is accounting conservatism due to debt or equity markets? An international test of ‘contracting’and ‘value relevance’theories of accounting
R Ball, A Robin, G Sadka
University of Chicago Graduate School of Business and Rochester Institute of …, 2005
Do debt covenants constrain borrowings prior to violation? Evidence from SFAS 160
M Cohen, SP Katz, S Mutlu, G Sadka
The Accounting Review 94 (2), 133-156, 2019
State contract law and debt contracts
C Honigsberg, S Katz, G Sadka
The Journal of Law and Economics 57 (4), 1031-1061, 2014
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Articles 1–20