Petr Hlubina
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Cited by
White-light spectral interferometry with the uncompensated Michelson interferometer and the group refractive index dispersion in fused silica
P Hlubina
Optics communications 193 (1-6), 1-7, 2001
Dispersion of group and phase modal birefringence in elliptical-core fiber measured by white-light spectral interferometry
P Hlubina, T Martynkien, W Urbańczyk
Optics Express 11 (22), 2793-2798, 2003
Windowed Fourier transform applied in the wavelength domain to process the spectral interference signals
P Hlubina, J Luňáček, D Ciprian, R Chlebus
Optics communications 281 (9), 2349-2354, 2008
Dispersive white-light spectral interferometry with absolute phase retrieval to measure thin film
P Hlubina, D Ciprian, J Luňáňek, M Lesňák
Optics express 14 (17), 7678-7685, 2006
Measurement of the group dispersion of the fundamental mode of holey fiber by white-light spectral interferometry
P Hlubina, M Szpulak, D Ciprian, T Martynkien, W Urbańczyk
Optics Express 15 (18), 11073-11081, 2007
Dispersive white-light spectral interferometry to measure distances and displacements
P Hlubina
Optics communications 212 (1-3), 65-70, 2002
Interference of white light in tandem configuration of birefringent crystal and sensing birefringent fiber
P Hlubina, D Ciprian, L Knyblova
Optics communications 260 (2), 535-541, 2006
Spectral interferometry-based chromatic dispersion measurement of fibre including the zero-dispersion wavelength
P Hlubina, M Kadulová, D Ciprian
Journal of the European Optical Society-Rapid publications 7, 12017, 2012
White-light spectral interferometric technique to measure the wavelength dependence of the spectral bqandpass of a fibre-optic spectrometer
P Hlubina, I Gurov, V Chugunov
Journal of Modern Optics 50 (13), 2067-2074, 2003
White-light spectral interferometry to measure intermodal dispersion in two-mode elliptical-core optical fibres
P Hlubina
Optics communications 218 (4-6), 283-289, 2003
Spectral interferometry and reflectometry used to measure thin films
P Hlubina, J Luňáček, D Ciprian, R Chlebus
Applied Physics B 92, 203-207, 2008
Spectral-domain measurement of phase modal birefringence in polarization-maintaining fiber
P Hlubina, D Ciprian
Optics express 15 (25), 17019-17024, 2007
Bloch surface wave resonance based sensors as an alternative to surface plasmon resonance sensors
M Gryga, D Ciprian, P Hlubina
Sensors 20 (18), 5119, 2020
Spectral interferometry-based surface plasmon resonance sensor
P Hlubina, M Duliaková, M Kadulova, D Ciprian
Optics Communications 354, 240-245, 2015
The mutual interference of modes of a few-mode fibre waveguide analysed in the frequency domain
P Hlubina
Journal of Modern Optics 42 (12), 2385-2399, 1995
Sensing based on Bloch surface wave and self-referenced guided mode resonances employing a one-dimensional photonic crystal
M Gryga, D Ciprian, L Gembalova, P Hlubina
Optics Express 29 (9), 12996-13010, 2021
One-dimensional photonic crystal for Bloch surface waves and radiation modes-based sensing
M Gryga, D Vala, P Kolejak, L Gembalova, D Ciprian, P Hlubina
Optical Materials Express 9 (10), 4009-4022, 2019
Spectral interferometric technique to measure the ellipsometric phase of a thin-film structure
P Hlubina, D Ciprian, J Lunacek
Optics letters 34 (17), 2661-2663, 2009
Direct measurement of dispersion of the group refractive indices of quartz crystal by white-light spectral interferometry
P Hlubina, D Ciprian, L Knyblová
Optics communications 269 (1), 8-13, 2007
Simple method for determination of the thickness of a nonabsorbing thin film using spectral reflectance measurement
J Luňáček, P Hlubina, M Luňáčková
Applied optics 48 (5), 985-989, 2009
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Articles 1–20