Castaño, Jose M.
Castaño, Jose M.
Professor, Computer Science Dept., Buenos Aires University
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Cited by
Cited by
TimeML: Robust specification of event and temporal expressions in text.
J Pustejovsky, JM Castano, R Ingria, R Sauri, RJ Gaizauskas, A Setzer, ...
New directions in question answering 3, 28-34, 2003
Robust relational parsing over biomedical literature: Extracting inhibit relation
J Pustejovsky, J Castano, J Zhang, M Kotecki, B Cochran
Biocomputing 2002, 362-373, 2001
The Specification Language TimeML.
J Pustejovsky, R Ingria, R Sauri, JM Castaño, J Littman, RJ Gaizauskas, ...
The Language of Time-A Reader, 545-558, 2005
Automatic extraction of acronym-meaning pairs from MEDLINE databases
J Pustejovsky, J Castano, B Cochran, M Kotecki, M Morrell
MEDINFO 2001, 371-375, 2001
Anaphora resolution in biomedical literature
J Castano
International Symposium on Reference Resolution, Alicante, Spain., 2002, 2002
Medstract: creating large-scale information servers from biomedical texts
J Pustejovsky, J Castano, R Sauri, J Zhang, W Luo
Proceedings of the ACL-02 workshop on Natural language processing in the …, 2002
Extraction and disambiguation of acronym-meaning pairs in medline
J Pustejovsky, J Castano, B Cochran, M Kotecki, M Morrell, A Rumshisky
Medinfo 10 (2001), 371-375, 2001
Rerendering semantic ontologies: Automatic extensions to UMLS through corpus analytics
J Pustejovsky, A Rumshisky, J Castano
arXiv preprint cs/0209003, 2002
Linguistic knowledge extraction from medline: Automatic construction of an acronym database
P James
10th World Congress on Health and Medical Informatics (Medinfo 2001), 2001
An approach for automatic classification of radiology reports in Spanish
V Cotik, D Filippo, J Castano
MEDINFO 2015: eHealth-enabled Health, 634-638, 2015
Adaptive string similarity metrics for biomedical reference resolution
B Wellner, J Castano, J Pustejovsky
Proceedings of the ACL-ISMB Workshop on Linking Biological Literature …, 2005
Timeml: A specification language for temporal and event expressions
J Pustejovsky, J Castano, R Ingria, R Saurí, R Gaizauskas, A Setzer, ...
Proceedings of the International Workshop of Computational Semantics, 193, 2003
Global index grammars and descriptive power
JM Castaño
Journal of Logic, Language and Information 13, 403-419, 2004
An information retrieval approach to ICD-10 classification
H Park, J Castaño, P Ávila, D Pérez, H Berinsky, L Gambarte, D Luna, ...
MEDINFO 2019: Health and Wellbeing e-Networks for All, 1564-1565, 2019
TERQAS final report
J Pustejovsky, L Belanger, J Castano, R Gaizauskas, P Hanks, B Ingria, ...
Technical report, The MITRE Corporation, Bedford, Massachusetts, 2002
A machine learning approach to clinical terms normalization
J Castano, ML Gambarte, HJ Park, MPA Williams, D Pérez, F Campos, ...
Proceedings of the 15th Workshop on Biomedical Natural Language Processing, 1-11, 2016
Global index languages
JM Castano
Brandeis University, 2004
NRRC summer workshop on temporal and event recognition for question answering systems
J Pustejovsky, L Belanger, J Castano, R Gaizauskas, P Hanks, B Ingria, ...
Rapport technique 0.1. 0, 2002
Tana, a healthcare chatbot to help patients during the COVID-19 pandemic at a University Hospital in Argentina
DA Rizzato Lede, D Inda, JM Rosa, Y Zin, N Tentoni, MM Médici, ...
MEDINFO 2021: One World, One Health–Global Partnership for Digital …, 2022
A Machine Translation Approach for Medical Terms.
A Renato, JM Castaño, MPA Williams, H Berinsky, ML Gambarte, HJ Park, ...
HEALTHINF, 369-378, 2018
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Articles 1–20