Federico Balaguer
Federico Balaguer
Profesor Facultad Informática, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
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Enhancing a requirements baseline with scenarios
JCSP Leite, G Rossi, F Balaguer, V Maiorana, G Kaplan, G Hadad, ...
requirements Engineering 2, 184-198, 1997
Architecture and design of adaptive object-models
JW Yoder, F Balaguer, R Johnson
ACM Sigplan Notices 36 (12), 50-60, 2001
Developing GIS applications with objects: a design patterns approach
S Gordillo, F Balaguer, C Mostaccio, F Das Neves
GeoInformatica 3, 7-32, 1999
Generating the architecture of GIS applications with design patterns
S Gordillo, F Balaguer, F Das Neves
Proceedings of the 5th ACM international workshop on Advances in geographic …, 1997
Refining an object-oriented GIS design model: topologies and field data
S Gordillo, F Balaguer
Proceedings of the 6th ACM international symposium on Advances in geographic …, 1998
Adaptive object models for implementing business rules
J Yoder, F Balaguer, R Johnson
Urbana 51, 61801, 2001
Léxico extendido del lenguaje y escenarios del sistema nacional para la obtención de pasaportes
J Leite, A Oliveros, G Rossi, F Balaguer, G Hadad, G Kaplan, V Maiorana
Documento de trabajo, 1996
Una estrategia de Análisis Orientada a Objetos basada en escenarios
C Leonardi, V Maiorana, F Balaguer
Actas II Jornadas de Ingeniaria de Software JIS97, España, 1997
Patterns for GIS applications design
F Balaguer, S Gordillo, FD Neves
Proceedings of PLoP’97-Pattern Languages of Programming, 1997
From analysis to design of the observation pattern
JW Yoder, F Balaguer, R Johnson
Metadata and Active Object-Model Pattern Mining Workshop. OOPSLA 99, 2017
Transiciones de la escena audiovisual. Perspectivas y disputas
AP Nicolosi, M Torres, A Zambrano, ML Squarzon, D Badenes, C Castro, ...
Secretaría de Posgrado. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, 2017
TV Digital Interactiva Argentina. TV DIGITAL: Un dialogo entre disciplinas y multipantallas, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
F Balaguer, A Zambrano
Network congestion control at the application layer
P Adamczyk, M Hafiz, F Balaguer, CL Robinson
Proceedings of the 14th Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, 1-15, 2007
Open Source Systems: Towards Robust Practices 13th IFIP WG 2.13 International Conference, OSS 2017, Buenos Aires, Argentina, May 22-23, 2017, Proceedings
F Balaguer, R Di Cosmo, A Garrido, F Kon, G Robles, S Zacchiroli
Springer Nature, 2017
Testing Automático de Atributos NCL utilizando reconocimiento de patrones
A Alvarez, F Balaguer
Worshop Argentino Video Juegos (WAVi) 1, 2010
Refactoring big balls of mud
P Adamczyk, A Zambrano, F Balaguer
2009 31st International Conference on Software Engineering-Companion Volume …, 2009
The Architectural Style of Adaptive Object-Models
J Yoder, F Balaguer, R Johnson
Comm. at workshop on Adaptive Object-Models and Metamodeling Techniques, Ecoop 1, 2001
Using design patterns in real time applications
S Carvalho, G Rossi, F Balaguer
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 29 (5), 93-96, 1996
Detección de yemas brotadas para la estimación temprana del rendimiento de una plantación de kiwi
SN Pérez, GA Dejean, M Giuliano, A Yommi, MA David, NL Murillo, ...
XXIV Workshop de Investigadores en Ciencias de la Computación (WICC 2022 …, 2022
TV Digital Interactiva Argentina
F Balaguer, A Zambrano
TV DIGITAL, 33, 2013
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Articles 1–20