Robert M Dorazio
Robert M Dorazio
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Hierarchical modeling and inference in ecology: the analysis of data from populations, metapopulations and communities
JA Royle, RM Dorazio
Elsevier, 2008
Estimating size and composition of biological communities by modeling the occurrence of species
RM Dorazio, JA Royle
Journal of the American Statistical Association 100 (470), 389-398, 2005
Estimating species richness and accumulation by modeling species occurrence and detectability
RM Dorazio, JA Royle, B Söderström, A Glimskär
Ecology 87 (4), 842-854, 2006
Analysis of multinomial models with unknown index using data augmentation
JA Royle, RM Dorazio, WA Link
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 16 (1), 67-85, 2007
Occupancy estimation and the closure assumption
CT Rota, RJ Fletcher Jr, RM Dorazio, MG Betts
Journal of Applied Ecology 46 (6), 1173-1181, 2009
Trend estimation in populations with imperfect detection
M Kery, RM Dorazio, L Soldaat, A Van Strien, A Zuiderwijk, JA Royle
Journal of Applied Ecology 46 (6), 1163-1172, 2009
Mixture models for estimating the size of a closed population when capture rates vary among individuals
RM Dorazio, JA Royle
Biometrics 59 (2), 351-364, 2003
Environmental DNA (eDNA) sampling improves occurrence and detection estimates of invasive Burmese pythons
ME Hunter, SJ Oyler-McCance, RM Dorazio, JA Fike, BJ Smith, CT Hunter, ...
PloS one 10 (4), e0121655, 2015
Accounting for imperfect detection and survey bias in statistical analysis of presence‐only data
RM Dorazio
Global Ecology and Biogeography 23 (12), 1472-1484, 2014
A practical guide for combining data to model species distributions
RJ Fletcher Jr, TJ Hefley, EP Robertson, B Zuckerberg, RA McCleery, ...
Ecology 100 (6), e02710, 2019
Hierarchical models of animal abundance and occurrence
JA Royle, RM Dorazio
Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics 11, 249-263, 2006
Parameter-expanded data augmentation for Bayesian analysis of capture–recapture models
JA Royle, RM Dorazio
Journal of Ornithology 152 (Suppl 2), 521-537, 2012
Using counts to simultaneously estimate abundance and detection probabilities in a salamander community
CK Dodd Jr, RM Dorazio
Herpetologica 60 (4), 468-478, 2004
ednaoccupancy: An r package for multiscale occupancy modelling of environmental DNA data
RM Dorazio, RA Erickson
Molecular ecology resources 18 (2), 368-380, 2018
Detection limits of quantitative and digital PCR assays and their influence in presence–absence surveys of environmental DNA
ME Hunter, RM Dorazio, JSS Butterfield, G Meigs‐Friend, LG Nico, ...
Molecular ecology resources 17 (2), 221-229, 2017
A new parameterization for estimating co‐occurrence of interacting species
JH Waddle, RM Dorazio, SC Walls, KG Rice, J Beauchamp, MJ Schuman, ...
Ecological Applications 20 (5), 1467-1475, 2010
Integrated species distribution models: combining presence‐background data and site‐occupancy data with imperfect detection
V Koshkina, Y Wang, A Gordon, RM Dorazio, M White, L Stone
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 8 (4), 420-430, 2017
Models for inference in dynamic metacommunity systems
RM Dorazio, M Kery, JA Royle, M Plattner
Ecology 91 (8), 2466-2475, 2010
Species richness and occupancy estimation in communities subject to temporary emigration
M Kéry, JA Royle, M Plattner, RM Dorazio
Ecology 90 (5), 1279-1290, 2009
Bayesian inference and decision theory—a framework for decision making in natural resource management
RM Dorazio, FA Johnson
Ecological Applications 13 (2), 556-563, 2003
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Articles 1–20