Fixed point results to tvs-cone b-metric spaces B Popovic, S Radenovic, S Shukla Gulf Journal of Mathematics 1 (1), 2013 | 35 | 2013 |
Convergence of a finite difference scheme for the third boundary-value problem for an elliptic equation with variable coefficients BS Jovanović, BZ Popović Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics 1 (4), 356-366, 2001 | 25 | 2001 |
C-class functions with new approach on coincidence point results for generalized -weakly contractions in ordered b-metric spaces Z Mustafa, MMM Jaradat, AH Ansari, BZ Popović, HM Jaradat SpringerPlus 5, 1-18, 2016 | 19 | 2016 |
Common fixed point theorems for four mappings on cone b-metric spaces over Banach algebras H Huang, S Hu, B Popović, S Radenovic | 19 | 2016 |
On weakly commuting set-valued mappings on a domain of sets endowed with directed graph M Abbas, T Nazir, B Popović, S Radenović Results in Mathematics 71, 1277-1295, 2017 | 16 | 2017 |
Istratescu-Suzuki-Ciric-type fixed points results in the framework of G-metric spaces M Abbas, A Hussain, B Popovic, S Radenovic International Scientific Research Publications, 2016 | 14 | 2016 |
Computer use in mathematics teaching-overview of the situation in Serbia S Dimitrijevic, B Z Popovic, M P Stanic Croatian Journal of Education: Hrvatski časopis za odgoj i obrazovanje 14 (2 …, 2012 | 7 | 2012 |
Fixed point results for generalized g-quasi-contractions of Perov-type in cone metric spaces over Banach algebras without the assumption of normality. S Xu, BZ Popović, S Radenović Journal of Computational Analysis & Applications 22 (1), 2017 | 5 | 2017 |
The strong stability of the second-order operator-differential equations D Bojović, BZ Popović, BS Jovanović Numerical Analysis and Its Applications: Third International Conference, NAA …, 2005 | 5 | 2005 |
C-class functions and remarks on fixed points of weakly compatible mappings in G-metric spaces satisfying common limit range property A Hojat Ansari, D Dolicanin-Dekic, F Gu, B Popovic, SN Radenovic Mathematics Interdisciplinary Research 1 (2), 279-290, 2016 | 4 | 2016 |
Some convergence rate estimates for finite difference schemes. B Jovanović, B Popović Matematichki Vesnik 49 (3-4), 249-256, 1997 | 3 | 1997 |
Convergence of finite-difference schemes for Poisson's equation with boundary condition of the third kind B Popović Matematički Vesnik 47 (203), 23-30, 1995 | 3 | 1995 |
Fixed Point Results Satisfying Rational Type Contraction in G‐Metric Spaces BZ Popović, M Shoaib, M Sarwar Journal of Function Spaces 2016 (1), 9536765, 2016 | 2 | 2016 |
Coupled fixed point theorems for generalized (ψ, ϕ)-weak contraction in partially ordered G-metric spaces B Popović, M Shoaib, M Sarwar Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications 23 (1), 2017 | 1 | 2017 |
Solution of the Türker inequality Đ Baralić, I Gutman, BZ Popović Kragujevac Journal of Science, 13-18, 2004 | 1 | 2004 |
Convergence of a finite difference method for the third BVP for Poisson's equation B Jovanović, B Popović Matematički Vesnik 51 (213), 81-89, 1999 | 1 | 1999 |
The universality of Mihailo Petrovic V Andric, BZ Popovic BOOK OF ABSTRACTS, 189, 2018 | | 2018 |
lstratescu-Suzuki-Ćirić-type fixed points results in the framework of G-metric spaces. M Abbas, A Hussain, B PopoviĆ, S RadenoviĆ Journal of Nonlinear Sciences & Applications (JNSA) 9 (12), 2016 | | 2016 |
The development of teaching trigonometry as a paradigm for the development of mathematics teaching in Serbia in 19th century BZ Popovic 13th Serbian Mathematical Congress, 2014 | | 2014 |
UPORABA RAČUNALA U POUČAVANJU MATEMATIKE–PREGLED STANJA U SRBIJI S Dimitrijevic, B Z Popovic, M P Stanic Croatian Journal of Education: Hrvatski časopis za odgoj i obrazovanje 14 (2 …, 2012 | | 2012 |