Deepak K. Datta
Deepak K. Datta
Eunice and James West Chair of Business, University of Texas at Arlington
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Human resource management and labor productivity: does industry matter?
DK Datta, JP Guthrie, PM Wright
Academy of Management Journal 48 (1), 135-145, 2005
Organizational fit and acquisition performance: Effects of post-acquisition integration
DK Datta
Strategic Management Journal 12 (4), 281-297, 1991
Factors influencing wealth creation from mergers and acquisitions: A meta‐analysis
DK Datta, GE Pinches, VK Narayanan
Strategic Management Journal 13 (1), 67-84, 1992
Strategic decision processes: Critical review and future directions
N Rajagopalan, AMA Rasheed, DK Datta
Journal of Management 19 (2), 349-384, 1993
The influence of international networks on internationalization speed and performance: A study of Czech SMEs
M Musteen, J Francis, DK Datta
Journal of world business 45 (3), 197-205, 2010
Causes and effects of employee downsizing: A review and synthesis
DK Datta, JP Guthrie, D Basuil, A Pandey
Journal of management 36 (1), 281-348, 2010
Cross-border acquisitions: An examination of the influence of relatedness and cultural fit on shareholder value creation in US acquiring firms
DK Datta, G Puia
MIR: Management International Review, 337-359, 1995
Relationships between Top Management Team Characteristics and International Diversification: an Empirical Investigation*
P Herrmann, DK Datta
British journal of management 16 (1), 69-78, 2005
CEO successor characteristics and the choice of foreign market entry mode: An empirical study
P Herrmann, DK Datta
Journal of International Business Studies 33, 551-569, 2002
Effectiveness and efficiency of cross‐border knowledge transfer: An empirical examination
L Pérez‐Nordtvedt, BL Kedia, DK Datta, AA Rasheed
Journal of management Studies 45 (4), 714-744, 2008
Executive Succession: Organizational Antecedents of CEO Characteristics
DK Datta, JP Guthrie
Strategic Management Journal 15, 569-577, 1994
Industry structure and CEO characteristics: An empirical study of succession events
DK Datta, N Rajagopalan
Strategic Management Journal 19 (9), 833-852, 1998
CEO experiences: Effects on the choice of FDI entry mode
P Herrmann, DK Datta
Journal of management studies 43 (4), 755-778, 2006
Relationships between type of acquisition, the autonomy given to the acquired firm, and acquisition success: An empirical analysis
DK Datta, JH Grant
Journal of Management 16 (1), 29-44, 1990
Diversification and performance: Critical review and future directions
DK Datta, N Rajagopalan, AMA Rasheed
Journal of Management Studies 28 (5), 529-558, 1991
CEO characteristics: does industry matter?
N Rajagopalan, DK Datta
Academy of Management Journal 39 (1), 197-215, 1996
Dumb and dumber: The impact of downsizing on firm performance as moderated by industry conditions
JP Guthrie, DK Datta
Organization Science 19 (1), 108-123, 2008
Do international networks and foreign market knowledge facilitate SME internationalization? Evidence from the Czech Republic
M Musteen, DK Datta, MM Butts
Entrepreneurship theory and practice 38 (4), 749-774, 2014
New CEO openness to change and strategic persistence: The moderating role of industry characteristics
DK Datta, N Rajagopalan, Y Zhang
British Journal of Management 14 (2), 101-114, 2003
Corporate reputation: do board characteristics matter?
M Musteen, DK Datta, B Kemmerer
British Journal of Management 21 (2), 498-510, 2010
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