Adam Berland
Adam Berland
Associate Professor of Geography, Ball State University
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The role of trees in urban stormwater management
A Berland, SA Shiflett, WD Shuster, AS Garmestani, HC Goddard, ...
Landscape and urban planning 162, 167-177, 2017
Human and biophysical legacies shape contemporary urban forests: A literature synthesis
LA Roman, H Pearsall, TS Eisenman, TM Conway, RT Fahey, S Landry, ...
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 31, 157-168, 2018
Adaptive governance to promote ecosystem services in urban green spaces
OO Green, AS Garmestani, S Albro, NC Ban, A Berland, CE Burkman, ...
Urban ecosystems 19, 77-93, 2016
Google Street View shows promise for virtual street tree surveys
A Berland, DA Lange
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 21, 11-15, 2017
Comparing street tree assemblages and associated stormwater benefits among communities in metropolitan Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
A Berland, ME Hopton
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 13 (4), 734-741, 2014
Ecology for the Shrinking City
DL Herrmann, K Schwarz, WD Shuster, A Berland, BC Chaffin, ...
BioScience 66 (11), 965-973, 2016
Green, but not just? Rethinking environmental justice indicators in shrinking cities
K Schwarz, A Berland, DL Herrmann
Sustainable Cities and Society 41, 816-821, 2018
Long-term urbanization effects on tree canopy cover along an urban–rural gradient
A Berland
Urban Ecosystems 15, 721-738, 2012
How Environmental Justice Patterns are Shaped by Place: Terrain and Tree Canopy in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
A Berland, K Schwarz, DL Herrmann, ME Hopton
Cities and the Environment (CATE) 8 (1), Article 1, 2015
A global horizon scan of the future impacts of robotics and autonomous systems on urban ecosystems
MA Goddard, ZG Davies, S Guenat, MJ Ferguson, JC Fisher, A Akanni, ...
Nature ecology & evolution 5 (2), 219-230, 2021
Beauty or blight? Abundant vegetation in the presence of disinvestment across residential parcels and neighborhoods in Toledo, OH
A Berland, DH Locke, DL Herrmann, K Schwarz
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8, 566759, 2020
Measuring the 3-30-300 rule to help cities meet nature access thresholds
M Browning, DH Locke, C Konijnendijk, SM Labib, A Rigolon, R Yeager, ...
Science of The Total Environment 907, 167739, 2024
Unexpected connections between residential urban forest diversity and vulnerability to two invasive beetles
A Berland, GP Elliott
Landscape Ecology 29 (1), 141-152, 2014
Simulated importance of dispersal, disturbance, and landscape history in long-term ecosystem change in the Big Woods of Minnesota
A Berland, B Shuman, SM Manson
Ecosystems 14, 398-414, 2011
Can field crews telecommute? Varied data quality from citizen science tree inventories conducted using street-level imagery
A Berland, LA Roman, J Vogt
Forests 10 (4), 349, 2019
Patterns in Residential Urban Forest Structure Along a Synthetic Urbanization Gradient
A Berland, SM Manson
Annals of the Association of American Geographers 103 (4), 749-763, 2013
Radial growth responses of tulip poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera) to climate in the eastern United States
D LeBlanc, J Maxwell, N Pederson, A Berland, T Mandra
Ecosphere 11 (10), e03203, 2020
Urban tree growth models for two nearby cities show notable differences
A Berland
Urban Ecosystems 23, 1253-1261, 2020
Socioeconomic factors associated with increasing street tree density and diversity in central Indianapolis
B Lockwood, A Berland
Cities and the Environment (CATE) 12 (1), 6, 2019
Influence of catchment land cover on stoichiometry and stable isotope compositions of basal resources and macroinvertebrate consumers in headwater streams
JR Milanovich, A Berland, ME Hopton
Journal of Freshwater Ecology 29 (4), 565-578, 2014
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