Gunnar Schmidtmann
Gunnar Schmidtmann
Associate Professor of Optometry and Vision Science, University of Plymouth
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Non-linear global pooling in the discrimination of circular and non-circular shapes
G Schmidtmann, GJ Kennedy, HS Orbach, G Loffler
Vision Research 62, 44-56, 2012
Intraocular pressure fluctuations in professional brass and woodwind musicians during common playing conditions
G Schmidtmann, S Jahnke, EJ Seidel, W Sickenberger, HJ Grein
Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, 1-7, 2011
Distinct lower visual field preference for object shape
G Schmidtmann, AJ Logan, GJ Kennedy, GE Gordon, G Loffler
Journal of Vision 15 (5), 1-15, 2015
Shape recognition: convexities, concavities and things in between
G Schmidtmann, BJ Jennings, FAA Kingdom
Scientific Reports 5 (1), 17142, 2015
Modeling probability and additive summation for detection across multiple mechanisms under the assumptions of signal detection theory
FAA Kingdom, AS Baldwin, G Schmidtmann
Journal of Vision 15 (5), 1-16, 2015
In the blink of an eye: Reading mental states from briefly presented eye regions
G Schmidtmann, AJ Logan, CC Carbon, JT Loong, I Gold
i-Perception 11 (5), 2041669520961116, 2020
Rejecting probability summation for radial frequency patterns, not so Quick
AS Baldwin, RF Schmidtmann, G, Kingdom, FAA, & Hess
Vision Research 122 (1), 124-134, 2016
The McGill Face Database: validation and insights into the recognition of facial expressions of complex mental states
G Schmidtmann, B Jennings, D Sandra, J Pollock, I Gold
SAGE Publications, 2020
Clinician’s perspectives in using head impulse-nystagmus-test of skew (HINTS) for acute vestibular syndrome: UK experience
CL Warner, L Bunn, N Koohi, G Schmidtmann, J Freeman, D Kaski
Stroke and Vascular Neurology 7 (2), 2022
Nothing more than a pair of curvatures: A common mechanism for the detection of both radial and non-radial frequency patterns
G Schmidtmann, F Kingdom
Vision research 134, 18-25, 2017
Detecting shapes in noise: tuning characteristics of global shape mechanisms
G Schmidtmann, GE Gordon, DM Bennett, G Loffler
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 7 (37), 1-14, 2013
Radial frequency patterns describe a small and perceptually distinct subset of all possible planar shapes
G Schmidtmann, I Fruend
Vision research 154, 122-130, 2019
Probability, not linear summation, mediates the detection of concentric orientation-defined textures
G Schmidtmann, BJ Jennings, Bell, Jason, Kingdom, Frederick A A
Journal of vision 15 (16), 1-19, 2015
Sensitivity to binocular disparity is reduced by mild traumatic brain injury
G Schmidtmann, T Ruiz, A Reynaud, DP Spiegel, M Laguë-Beauvais, ...
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 58 (5), 2630-2635, 2017
The effect of response biases on resolution thresholds of Sloan letters in central and paracentral vision
H Barhoom, MR Joshi, G Schmidtmann
Vision Research 187, 110-119, 2021
Revealing the influence of bias in a letter acuity identification task: A noisy template model
MA Georgeson, H Barhoom, MR Joshi, PH Artes, G Schmidtmann
Vision Research 208, 108233, 2023
The discrimination of self from other as a component of empathy.
C Little, E Solomonova, M Jordan, N Klein, B Jennings, G Schmidtmann, ...
Emotion 23 (6), 1773, 2023
Reading the mind in the blink of an eye-a novel database for facial expressions
G Schmidtmann, D Sleiman, J Pollack, I Gold
Clinical Vision Science: A Concise Guide to Numbers, Laws, and Formulas
G Schmidtmann
Springer Nature, 2020
Scale-invariance for radial frequency patterns in peripheral vision
A Zolubak, G Schmidtmann, LG Suarez
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Articles 1–20