Stephen Cushion
Stephen Cushion
Cardiff School of Journalism, Media and Culture
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The democratic value of news: Why public service media matter
S Cushion
Bloomsbury Publishing, 2017
The thirst to be first: An analysis of breaking news stories and their impact on the quality of 24-hour news coverage in the UK
J Lewis, S Cushion
Journalism Practice 3 (3), 304-318, 2009
The future of journalism: Risks, threats and opportunities
K Wahl-Jorgensen, A Williams, R Sambrook, J Harris, I Garcia-Blanco, ...
Digital Journalism 4 (7), 809-815, 2016
The rise of 24-hour news television: Global perspectives
S Cushion, J Lewis
Peter Lang, 2010
Newspapers, impartiality and television news: Intermedia agenda-setting during the 2015 UK general election campaign
S Cushion, A Kilby, R Thomas, M Morani, R Sambrook
Journalism Studies 19 (2), 162-181, 2018
Television journalism
S Cushion
Sage, 2011
Immediacy, convenience or engagement? An analysis of 24-hour news channels in the UK
J Lewis, S Cushion, J Thomas
Journalism Studies 6 (4), 461-477, 2005
Data journalism, impartiality and statistical claims: Towards more independent scrutiny in news reporting
S Cushion, J Lewis, R Callaghan
Journalism practice 11 (10), 1198-1215, 2017
Towards aFoxification'of 24-hour news channels in Britain? An analysis of market-driven and publicly funded news coverage
S Cushion, J Lewis
Journalism 10 (2), 131-153, 2009
Normative perspectives on journalism studies: Stock-taking and future directions
JG Blumler, S Cushion
Journalism 15 (3), 259-272, 2014
News and politics: The rise of live and interpretive journalism
S Cushion
Routledge, 2015
Reporting elections: Rethinking the logic of campaign coverage
S Cushion, R Thomas
John Wiley & Sons, 2018
Rich media, poor journalists: Journalists’ salaries
S Cushion
Journalism Practice 1 (1), 120-129, 2007
Impartiality, statistical tit-for-tats and the construction of balance: UK television news reporting of the 2016 EU referendum campaign
S Cushion, J Lewis
European journal of communication 32 (3), 208-223, 2017
Explaining the need for speed. Speed and competition as challenges to journalism ethics
L Juntunen
The rise of, 167-182, 2010
Protesting their apathy? An analysis of British press coverage of young anti-Iraq war protestors
S Cushion
Journal of Youth Studies 10 (4), 419-437, 2007
The mediatization of politics: Interpreting the value of live versus edited journalistic interventions in UK Television news bulletins
S Cushion, R Thomas
The International Journal of Press/Politics 18 (3), 360-380, 2013
A partial Europe without Citizens or EU-level political institutions: How far can Euronews contribute to a European public sphere?
I Garcia-Blanco, S Cushion
Journalism Studies 11 (3), 393-411, 2010
Why national media systems matter: A longitudinal analysis of how UK left-wing and right-wing alternative media critique mainstream media (2015–2018)
S Cushion, D McDowell-Naylor, R Thomas
Journalism Studies 22 (5), 633-652, 2021
Think tanks, television news and impartiality: The ideological balance of sources in BBC programming
J Lewis, S Cushion
Journalism Studies 20 (4), 480-499, 2019
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Articles 1–20