Geoffrey Neumann
Geoffrey Neumann
Post-doctoral Research Fellow, SOES, University of Southampton
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Transformed vargha-delaney effect size
G Neumann, M Harman, S Poulding
Search-Based Software Engineering: 7th International Symposium, SSBSE 2015 …, 2015
FloraGuard: Tackling the online illegal trade in endangered plants through a cross-disciplinary ICT-enabled methodology
A Lavorgna, SE Middleton, B Pickering, G Neumann
Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice 36 (3), 428-450, 2020
Pseudonymization risk analysis in distributed systems
GK Neumann, P Grace, D Burns, M Surridge
Journal of Internet Services and Applications 10 (1), 1, 2019
Repairing and Optimizing Hadoop hashCode Implementations
ZA Kocsis, G Neumann, J Swan, MG Epitropakis, AEI Brownlee, ...
Search-Based Software Engineering: 6th International Symposium, SSBSE 2014 …, 2014
The executable experimental template pattern for the systematic comparison of metaheuristics
G Neumann, J Swan, M Harman, JA Clark
Proceedings of the companion publication of the 2014 annual conference on …, 2014
Information extraction from the long tail: A socio-technical AI approach for criminology investigations into the online illegal plant trade
S E. Middleton, A Lavorgna, G Neumann, D Whitehead
Companion Publication of the 12th ACM Conference on Web Science, 82-88, 2020
Sparse, continuous policy representations for uniform online bin packing via regression of interpolants
JH Drake, J Swan, G Neumann, E Özcan
Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization: 17th European …, 2017
Identifying privacy risks in distributed data services: A model-driven approach
P Grace, D Burns, G Neumann, B Pickering, P Melas, M Surridge
2018 IEEE 38th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems …, 2018
Introducing intervention targeting into estimation of distribution algorithms
G Neumann, D Cairns
Proceedings of the 27th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 220-225, 2012
EO big data analytics for the discovery of new trends of marine species habitats in a changing global climate
Z Sabeur, G Correndo, G Veres, B Arbab-Zavar, G Neumann, TD Ivall, ...
European Union, 2017
Targeted eda adapted for a routing problem with variable length chromosomes
G Neumann, D Cairns
2012 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 1-8, 2012
A targeted estimation of distribution algorithm compared to traditional methods in feature selection
G Neumann, D Cairns
Computational Intelligence: Revised and Selected Papers of the International …, 2016
Analysis of semantic building blocks via Grobner bases
J Swan, GK Neumann, K Krawiec
Semantic Methods in Genetic Programming (SMGP) at Parallel Problem Solving …, 2014
Applying a Hybrid Targeted Estimation of Distribution Algorithm to Feature Selection Problems
G Neumann, D Cairns
IJCCI 2013 - Proceedings of the 5th International Joint Conference on …, 2013
Scalable Big Data Platform, Mining and Analytics Services for Optimized Forecast of Animals Habitats
Z Sabeur Dr, G Correndo Dr, F Castel Mr, G Neumann Dr, G Veres Dr, ...
TEDA: A Targeted Estimation of Distribution Algorithm
GK Neumann
University of Stirling, 2014
Erratum: Repairing and Optimizing Hadoop hashCode Implementations
ZA Kocsis, G Neumann, J Swan, MG Epitropakis, AEI Brownlee, ...
Search-Based Software Engineering: 6th International Symposium, SSBSE 2014 …, 2014
and Özcan, Ender (2017) Sparse, continuous policy representations for uniform online bin packing via regression of interpolants. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 10197. pp …
J Swan, JH Drake, G Neumann
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Articles 1–18