A new science of life R Sheldrake Icon Books Ltd, 2005 | 1909 | 2005 |
The presence of the past: Morphic resonance and the habits of nature R Sheldrake Icon Books Ltd, 2011 | 1387 | 2011 |
The rebirth of nature: The greening of science and God R Sheldrake Simon and Schuster, 1994 | 675 | 1994 |
The Science Delusion: Freeing the Spirit of Enquiry (NEW EDITION) R Sheldrake Hachette UK, 2012 | 481 | 2012 |
Dogs that know when their owners are coming home: And other unexplained powers of animals R Sheldrake Random House, 2013 | 444 | 2013 |
The sense of being stared at R Sheldrake The Sixth Sense Reader, 247-266, 2024 | 424 | 2024 |
Morphic resonance: The nature of formative causation R Sheldrake Inner Traditions/Bear & Co, 2009 | 365 | 2009 |
Seven experiments that could change the world R Sheldrake Alternative health practitioner 2 (2), 93-99, 1996 | 360 | 1996 |
Das schöpferische Universum: die Theorie des morphogenetischen Feldes R Sheldrake, W Landmann Nymphenburger, 2008 | 282 | 2008 |
A new science of life: The hypothesis of morphic resonance R Sheldrake (No Title), 1995 | 274 | 1995 |
Das Gedächtnis der Natur R Sheldrake Das Geheimnis der Entstehung der Formen in der Natur, dt. v. Jochen Eggert …, 1993 | 233 | 1993 |
Science set free: 10 paths to new discovery R Sheldrake Deepak Chopra, 2012 | 209 | 2012 |
Una nueva ciencia de la vida: la hipótesis de la causación formativa R Sheldrake Editorial Kairós, 2011 | 176 | 2011 |
La presencia del pasado: resonancia mórfica y hábitos de la naturaleza R Sheldrake Editorial Kairos, 1990 | 174 | 1990 |
The physics of angels: Exploring the realm where science and spirit meet R Sheldrake, M Fox Monkfish Book Publishing, 2014 | 135 | 2014 |
Part I: Mind, memory, and archetype morphic resonance and the collective unconscious R Sheldrake Psychological Perspectives 18 (1), 9-25, 1987 | 135 | 1987 |
Renacimiento de La Naturaleza R Sheldrake Paidós, 1995 | 124 | 1995 |
Manifesto for a post-materialist science M Beauregard, GE Schwartz, L Miller, L Dossey, A Moreira-Almeida, ... Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing 10 (5), 272-274, 2014 | 117 | 2014 |
O renascimento da natureza: o reflorescimento da ciência e de Deus R SHelDRaKe Trad. EICHENBERGER, ML, 1993 | 117 | 1993 |
Chaos, creativity, and cosmic consciousness R Sheldrake, T McKenna, R Abraham Simon and Schuster, 2001 | 111 | 2001 |