Uracha Chatrakul Na Ayudhya
Uracha Chatrakul Na Ayudhya
Lecturer in Organizational Psychology and HRM, Birkbeck, University of London
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Cited by
The impact of global economic crisis and austerity on quality of working life and work‐life balance: A capabilities perspective
U Chatrakul Na Ayudhya, R Prouska, TA Beauregard
European Management Review 16 (4), 847-862, 2019
Focus group methodology in a life course approach–individual accounts within a peer cohort group
U Chatrakul Na Ayudhya, J Smithson, S Lewis
International Journal of Social Research Methodology 17 (2), 157-171, 2014
Entitled or misunderstood? Towards the repositioning of the sense of entitlement concept in the generational difference debate
U Chatrakul Na Ayudhya, J Smithson
Community, Work & Family 19 (2), 213-226, 2016
From ‘Balancers’ to ‘Integrators’? Young Professionals’ Talk About ‘Work’and the Rest of ‘Life’in the UK: What Does ‘Work-Life Balance’(WLB) Mean to Today’s Generation of …
U Chatrakul Na Ayudhya, S Lewis
Creating balance? International perspectives on the work-life integration of …, 2010
The rhetorics of ‘agile’and the practices of ‘agile working’: Consequences for the worker experience and uncertain implications for HR practice
I Roper, R Prouska, U Chatrakul Na Ayudhya
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 33 (22), 4440-4467, 2022
The work-life experiences of an invisible workforce: The case of live-in women migrant domestic workers in Malaysia
WC Au, U Chatrakul Na Ayudhya, YS Tan, PK Ahmed
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal 39 (5), 567-583, 2019
Critical issues in human resource management
I Roper, R Prouska, UCN Ayudhya
Kogan Page Publishers, 2010
Work-life balance can benefit business during financial crisis and austerity: Human resources (HR) must convince management of the need for a flexible approach
UCN Ayudhya, R Prouska, S Lewis
Human Resource Management International Digest 23 (5), 25-28, 2015
The effects of flexibilization on social divisions and career trajectories in the UK labour market
C Purcell, M Flynn, UC Na Ayudhya
Globalized labour markets and social inequality in Europe, 261-292, 2011
Work-life balance can benefit business during financial crisis and austerity: Human resources (HR) must convince management of the need for a flexible approach
U Chatrakul Na Ayudhya, R Prouska, S Lewis
Human Resource Management International Digest 23 (5), 25-28, 2015
Too much of one and less of the other: graduates' conceptualizations and expectations of work-life balance
U Chatrakul Na Ayudhya
Manchester Metropolitan University, 2009
Conceptualising the nexus between macro‐level ‘turbulence’and the worker experience
R Prouska, U Chatrakul Na Ayudhya, A Beauregard, A Psychogios, ...
Human Resource Management Journal 34 (3), 781-791, 2024
Critical Issues in Human Resource Management: Contemporary Perspectives
I Roper, R Prouska, UCN Ayudhya
Bloomsbury Publishing, 2019
Moving from responsibility learning inaction to ‘responsibility learning-in-action’: A student-educator collective writing on the ‘unnoticed’ in the hidden curriculum at …
U Chatrakul Na Ayudhya, M Edmondson, A Harris, F Littel
Management Learning 54 (3), 359-383, 2023
From theory to impact: bringing work-life initiatives into the mainstream
J Smithson, U Chatrakul Na Ayudhya, C Sullivan
Community, Work & Family 19 (2), 129-133, 2016
The generation game: Concepts of Baby-Boomer, Gen X and Gen Y can create more heat than light
U Chatrakul Na Ayudhya
Human Resource Management International Digest 23 (5), 29-32, 2015
Understanding Older Workers’ Abilities to Exercise ‘Choice’When It Comes to Extending Their Working Lives in Late Career
UCN Ayudhya, H Schroder, L Miles, M Flynn
CIPD Applied Research Conference, 2015
The Workplace Change Agenda at the Intersection of Decarbonisation, Covid Recovery and Digitalisation: Exploring Cross-national Responses
M Brookes, E Shulzhenko, I Roper, UCN Ayudhya, R Prouska
International Labour Process Conference, 2022
Organisations, race and trauma
A McDowall, K Teoh, M Stringer, U Chatrakul Na Ayudhya, ...
Department of Organizational Psychology, 2020
HRM in Public Services
MM Lucio, I Roper, R Prouska, UCN Ayudhya
Critical Issues in Human Resource Management, 326-340, 2011
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Articles 1–20