Dr. Aijaz A. Shaikh
Cited by
Cited by
Mobile banking adoption: A literature review
AA Shaikh, H Karjaluoto
Telematics and informatics 32 (1), 129-142, 2015
How perceived value drives the use of mobile financial services apps
H Karjaluoto, AA Shaikh, H Saarijärvi, S Saraniemi
International Journal of Information Management 47, 252-261, 2019
Making the most of information technology & systems usage: A literature review, framework and future research agenda
AA Shaikh, H Karjaluoto
Computers in Human Behavior 49, 541-566, 2015
Mobile banking services adoption in Pakistan: are there gender differences?
R Glavee-Geo, AA Shaikh, H Karjaluoto
International Journal of bank marketing 35 (7), 1090-1114, 2017
Examining consumers’ usage intention of contactless payment systems
H Karjaluoto, AA Shaikh, M Leppäniemi, R Luomala
International Journal of Bank Marketing 38 (2), 332-351, 2020
How relevant are risk perceptions, effort, and performance expectancy in mobile banking adoption?
AA Shaikh, R Glavee-Geo, H Karjaluoto
Research anthology on securing mobile technologies and applications, 692-716, 2021
Exploring the nexus between financial sector reforms and the emergence of digital banking culture–Evidences from a developing country
AA Shaikh, R Glavee-Geo, H Karjaluoto
Research in International Business and Finance 42, 1030-1039, 2017
Identifying relevant segments of AI applications adopters–Expanding the UTAUT2’s variables
JP Cabrera-Sánchez, ÁF Villarejo-Ramos, F Liébana-Cabanillas, ...
Telematics and Informatics 58, 101529, 2021
Drivers and outcomes of consumer engagement: Insights from mobile money usage in Ghana
R Glavee-Geo, AA Shaikh, H Karjaluoto, RE Hinson
International Journal of Bank Marketing 38 (1), 1-20, 2020
Consumption values and mobile banking services: understanding the urban–rural dichotomy in a developing economy
H Karjaluoto, R Glavee-Geo, D Ramdhony, AA Shaikh, A Hurpaul
International Journal of Bank Marketing 39 (2), 272-293, 2021
Advances in mobile financial services: a review of the literature and future research directions
R Shaikh, A.A., Alamoudi, H., Alharthi, M. and Glavee-Geo
International Journal of Bank Marketing, 2022
Mobile banking services continuous usage--case study of Finland
AA Shaikh, H Karjaluoto
2016 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), 1497-1506, 2016
Mobile money as a driver of digital financial inclusion
AA Shaikh, R Glavee-Geo, H Karjaluoto, RE Hinson
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 186, 122158, 2023
Understanding moderating effects in increasing share-of-wallet and word-of-mouth: A case study of Lidl grocery retailer
AA Shaikh, H Karjaluoto, J Häkkinen
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 44, 45-53, 2018
On some misconceptions concerning digital banking and alternative delivery channels
AA Shaikh, H Karjaluoto
International Journal of E-Business Research (IJEBR) 12 (3), 1-16, 2016
Examining key drivers of consumer experience with (non-financial) digital services—An exploratory study
AA Shaikh, MD Alharthi, HO Alamoudi
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 55, 102073, 2020
Customers' perceived risk and trust in using mobile money services—an empirical study of Ghana
IK Abdul-Hamid, AA Shaikh, H Boateng, RE Hinson
International Journal of E-Business Research (IJEBR) 15 (1), 1-19, 2019
Continuous mobile banking usage and relationship commitment–A multi-country assessment
AA Shaikh, H Karjaluoto, NB Chinje
Journal of Financial Services Marketing 20, 208-219, 2015
Mobile banking adoption issues in Pakistan and challenges ahead
AA Shaikh
Journal of the Institute of Bankers Pakistan 80 (3), 12-15, 2013
Consumers' perceptions of mobile banking continuous usage in Finland and South Africa
AA Shaikh, H Karjaluoto, NB Chinje
International Journal of Electronic Finance 8 (2-4), 149-168, 2015
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Articles 1–20