Trisha T. C. Lin (林翠絹)
Trisha T. C. Lin (林翠絹)
Professor College of Communication &International College of Innovation National Chengchi University
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Who avoids location-based advertising and why? Investigating the relationship between user perceptions and advertising avoidance
W Shin, TTC Lin
Computers in Human Behavior 63, 444-452, 2016
Understanding the relationships between mHealth apps' characteristics, trialability, and mHealth literacy
TTC Lin, JRR & Bautista
Journal of Health Communication, 2017
Smartphones at work: a qualitative exploration of psychological antecedents and impacts of work-related smartphone dependency
L Li, TTC Lin
International Journal of Qualitative Methods 18, 1609406918822240, 2019
Determinants of mobile consumers' perceived value of location-based advertising and user responses
TTC Lin, F Paragas, JR Bautista
International Journal of mobile communications 14 (2), 99-117, 2016
Organizing and Reframing Technological Determinism
F Paragas, TTC Lin
New Media and Society 18 (8), 1528-1546, 2016
Investigating predictors of smartphone dependency symptoms and effects on academic performance, improper phone use and perceived sociability
TTC Lin, Y Chiang
International Journal of Mobile Communications, 2017
Predicting intention to take protective measures during haze: The roles of efficacy, threat, media trust, and affective attitude
TTC Lin, JR Bautista
Journal of health communication 21 (7), 790-799, 2016
Content-related factors influence perceived value of location-based mobile advertising
TTC Lin, JR Bautista
Journal of Computer Information Systems, 2020
Sociable people beware? Investigating smartphone versus nonsmartphone dependency symptoms among young Singaporeans
TTC Lin, YH Chiang, Q Jiang
Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal 43 (7), 1209-1216, 2015
Fake news practices in Indonesian newsrooms during and after the Palu earthquake: A hierarchy-of-influences approach
FA Kwanda, TTC Lin
Information, Communication & Society 23 (6), 849-866, 2020
Sociotechnical analysis of nurses’ use of personal mobile phones at work
JR Bautista, TTC Lin
International journal of medical informatics 95, 71-80, 2016
Predictors and outcomes of nurses’ use of smartphones for work purposes
JR Bautista, S Rosenthal, TTC Lin, YL Theng
Computers in Human Behavior 84, 360-374, 2018
Developing location-based mobile advertising in Singapore: A socio-technical perspective
TTC Lin, F Paragas, D Goh, JR Bautista
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 103, 334-349, 2016
Examining how dependence on smartphones at work relates to Chinese employees’ workplace social capital, job performance, and smartphone addiction
L Li, TTC Lin
Information Development, 2017
Exploring the organizational adoption of cloud computing in Singapore.
M Tan, TTC Lin
Proceedings of 2012 International Telecommunication Society, Bangkok, Thailand, 2012
Convergence and regulation of multi-screen television: The Singapore experience
Telecommunications Policy 37 (8), 673-685, 2013
Nurses' use of mobile instant messaging applications: A uses and gratifications perspective
JR Bautista, TTC Lin
International journal of nursing practice 23 (5), e12577, 2017
Screen addiction and media multitasking among American and Taiwanese users
TTC Lin, A Kononova, YH Chiang
Journal of Computer Information Systems, 2020
Over-connected? A qualitative exploration of smartphone addiction among working adults in China
L Li, TTC Lin
BMC psychiatry 19, 1-10, 2019
Factors affecting the adoption of social network sites: examining four adopter categories of Singapore's working adults
TTC Lin, VCH Chiu, W Lim
Asian Journal of Communication 21 (3), 221-242, 2011
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Articles 1–20