Friederike Funk
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Cited by
Social attributions from faces bias human choices
CY Olivola, F Funk, A Todorov
Trends in cognitive sciences 18 (11), 566-570, 2014
Get the message: Punishment is satisfying if the transgressor responds to its communicative intent
F Funk, V McGeer, M Gollwitzer
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 40 (8), 986-997, 2014
Criminal stereotypes in the courtroom: Facial tattoos affect guilt and punishment differently.
F Funk, A Todorov
Psychology, Public Policy, and Law 19 (4), 466, 2013
Quantifying idiosyncratic and shared contributions to judgment
JE Martinez, F Funk, A Todorov
Behavior Research Methods, 1-17, 2020
Differences in punitiveness across three cultures: A test of American exceptionalism in justice attitudes
MB Kugler, F Funk, J Braun, M Gollwitzer, AC Kay, JM Darley
Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 103 (4), 1071-1113, 2013
Response to Bonnefon et al.: Limited ‘kernels of truth’ in facial inferences
A Todorov, F Funk, CY Olivola
Trends in Cognitive Sciences 19 (8), 422-423, 2015
Modelling perceptions of criminality and remorse from faces using a data-driven computational approach
F Funk, M Walker, A Todorov
Cognition and Emotion 31 (7), 1431-1443, 2017
Are ‘optimistic’ theories of criminal justice psychologically feasible? The probative case of civic republicanism
V McGeer, F Funk
Criminal Law and Philosophy 11 (3), 523-544, 2017
People as intuitive retaliators: Spontaneous and deliberate reactions to observed retaliation
M Gollwitzer, J Braun, F Funk, P Süssenbach
Social Psychological and Personality Science 7 (6), 521-529, 2016
Not revenge, but change is sweet: Experimental evidence of how offender change and punishment play independent roles in victims' sense of justice
S Hechler, F Funk, T Kessler
British Journal of Social Psychology, 2023
Reciprocity or backfiring? Examining the influence of realistic job previews on applicants' willingness to self‐disclose and use image protection tactics
A Wilhelmy, DM Truxillo, F Funk
International Journal of Selection and Assessment 30 (3), 311-329, 2022
Visuospatial and Affective Perspective-Taking
TM Erle, F Funk
Social Psychology, 2022
Examining consequentialist punishment motives in one-shot social dilemmas
F Funk, D Mischkowski
Zeitschrift für Psychologie 230 (2), 127-137, 2022
Beyond retribution: The role of transformative justice motives for people's reactions to wrongdoers
F Funk
Princeton University, 2015
Looking more criminal: It’s not so black and white
AM Meacham, HM Kleider-Offutt, F Funk
Memory & Cognition 52 (1), 146-162, 2024
Experimental online study: Capturing people’s spontaneous reactions towards personal retaliation
M Gollwitzer, J Braun, F Funk
SAGE Research Methods Cases, 2018
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Articles 1–16