Cornelia Oedekoven
Cornelia Oedekoven
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Distance sampling: methods and applications
ST Buckland, EA Rexstad, TA Marques, CS Oedekoven
Springer, 2015
Variable responses of seabirds to change in marine climate: California Current, 1985-1994
CS Oedekoven, DG Ainley, LB Spear
Marine Ecology Progress Series 212, 265-281, 2001
Roaring and repetition: How bowhead whales adjust their call density and source level (Lombard effect) in the presence of natural and seismic airgun survey noise
AM Thode, SB Blackwell, AS Conrad, KH Kim, T Marques, L Thomas, ...
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 147 (3), 2061-2080, 2020
Model-based distance sampling
ST Buckland, CS Oedekoven, DL Borchers
Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics 21, 58-75, 2016
A visual sighting and acoustic detections of minke whales, Balaenoptera acutorostrata (Cetacea: Balaenopteridae), in nearshore Hawaiian waters
S Rankin, TF Norris, MA Smultea, C Oedekoven, AM Zoidis, E Silva, ...
Pacific Science 61 (3), 395-398, 2007
Improving distance sampling: accounting for covariates and non‐independency between sampled sites
CS Oedekoven, ST Buckland, ML Mackenzie, KO Evans, LW Burger Jr
Journal of Applied Ecology 50 (3), 786-793, 2013
Bayesian methods for hierarchical distance sampling models
CS Oedekoven, ST Buckland, ML MacKenzie, R King, KO Evans, ...
Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics 19, 219-239, 2014
User guide for the MRSea Package: Statistical modelling of bird and cetacean distributions in offshore renewables development areas
LAS Scott-Hayward, CS Oedekoven, ML Mackenzie, CG Walker, ...
University of St. Andrews contract for Marine Scotland, 2013
Multi‐region response to conservation buffers targeted for northern bobwhite
KO Evans, LW Burger Jr, CS Oedekoven, MD Smith, SK Riffell, JA Martin, ...
The Journal of Wildlife Management 77 (4), 716-725, 2013
Accuracy and precision of dolphin group size estimates
T Gerrodette, WL Perryman, CS Oedekoven
Marine Mammal Science 35 (1), 22-39, 2019
Attributing changes in the distribution of species abundance to weather variables using the example of British breeding birds
CS Oedekoven, DA Elston, PJ Harrison, MJ Brewer, ST Buckland, ...
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 8 (12), 1690-1702, 2017
Kleptoparasitism by brown skuas on albatrosses and giant-petrels in the Indian Ocean
LB Spear, SNG Howell, CS Oedekoven, D Legay, J Bried
The Auk, 545-548, 1999
Low tortoise abundances in pine forest plantations in forest-shrubland transition areas
RC Rodriguez-Caro, CS Oedekoven, E Graciá, JD Anadón, ST Buckland, ...
PloS one 12 (3), e0173485, 2017
From physiology to policy: A review of physiological noise effects on marine fauna with implications for mitigation
N Aguilar de Soto, K Gkikopoulou, S Hooker, S Isojunno, M Johnson, ...
Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics 27 (1), 2016
Quantifying turnover in biodiversity of B ritish breeding birds
PJ Harrison, Y Yuan, ST Buckland, CS Oedekoven, DA Elston, MJ Brewer, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 53 (2), 469-478, 2016
Statistical modelling of seabird and cetacean data: guidance document
ML Mackenzie, LA Scott-Hayward, CS Oedekoven, H Skov, E Humphreys, ...
Report SB9 (CR/2012/05), Centre for Research into Ecological and …, 2013
Quantifying the response of Blainville's beaked whales to US naval sonar exercises in Hawaii
EK Jacobson, EE Henderson, DL Miller, CS Oedekoven, DJ Moretti, ...
Marine Mammal Science 38 (4), 1549-1565, 2022
Distance sampling with a random scale detection function
CS Oedekoven, JL Laake, HJ Skaug
Environmental and Ecological Statistics 22, 725-737, 2015
Mark recapture distance sampling: using acoustics to estimate the fraction of dolphins missed by observers during shipboard line-transect surveys
S Rankin, C Oedekoven, F Archer
Environmental and ecological statistics 27 (2), 233-251, 2020
Using hierarchical centering to facilitate a reversible jump MCMC algorithm for random effects models
CS Oedekoven, R King, ST Buckland, ML MacKenzie, KO Evans, ...
Computational statistics & data analysis 98, 79-90, 2016
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Articles 1–20