Slavka Demuthova
Slavka Demuthova
University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava
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The problem of self-disclosure of self-harming behaviour in adolescence
S Demuthova, I Vaclavikova, L Selecka, M Blatny
Postmodern Openings 11 (4), 01-19, 2020
Vybrané problémy tanatológie
S Démuthová
Masarykova univerzita nakladatelství, 2015
The prevalence and most frequent forms of self-harm in adolescents
S Demuthova, A Demuth
International Conference on Research in Psychology, 39-51, 2019
Forms of deliberate self-harm and their prevalence in adolescence
A Demuth, S Demuthova
International Conference on Research in Psychology. London, Diamond …, 2019
Vývin chápania smrti v ontogenéze
S Démuthová
Sociální studia/Social Studies 8 (2), 87–106-87–106, 2011
Anxiety, illusory pattern perception and conspiracy beliefs during the COVID–19 pandemic
O Spasovski, S Demuthova, V Kuzmanovic
Teorija in praksa 58 (4), 1133-1159, 2021
Interpohlavné rozdiely v prevalencii jednotlivých foriem sebapoškodzovania u adolescentov [Gender Differences in the Prevalence of Individual Forms of Self-Harm in Adolescents]
S Démuthová, D Doktorová
Kondášove dni, 19-23, 2018
Handedness and the preference of the visual field in face perception
S Démuthová, A Démuth
European Scientific Journal 14 (6), 2018
The most frequent connotations of the concept of death in young adults
S Démuthová
Ostium. Internetový časopis pre humanitné vedy, 2012
Self-harm in adolescence as maladaptive coping
S Demuthova, A Demuth
BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience 11 (2Sup1 …, 2020
Mathematics and Beauty: An attempt to link the cognitive and philosophical-spiritual aspects of Beauty
A Démuth, S Démuthová, A Slavkovský
Peter Lang GmbH, 2019
Fear of death in relation to religiosity in adults
S Démuthová
GRANT Journal, 11-15, 2014
Human facial attractiveness in psychological research: an evolutionary approach
S Démuthová, L Selecká, A Démuth
(No Title), 2021
A Semantic analysis of the concept of Beauty (Güzellik) in Turkish language: Mapping the semantic domains
A Démuth, S Démuthová, Y Keçeli
Frontiers in Communication 7, 797316, 2022
Test of human figure drawing: Drawing bizarreness and its relation to some parameters of personality
P Jurovatý, R Fábry, Š Majer, S Démuthová
Postmodern Openings 13 (1 Sup1), 57-77, 2022
A frequency and semantic analysis of the most frequent connotations of the notion of beauty
S Demuthova, A Demuth
European Journal of Behavioral Sciences 4 (1), 1-11, 2021
The Predictive Importance of Selected Protective Factors against Different Types of Antisocial Behavior Manifested by Adolescent Boys and Girls
I Václaviková, L Selecká, S Démuthová, M Blatný, M Hrdlička
Studia Psychologica 62 (2), 138-147, 2020
The School Environment as a Source of Somatic Problems in Adolescents
S Demuthova
Revista Românească pentru Educaţie Multidimensională 11 (2), 59-71, 2019
Evolutionary and cognitive aspects of beauty (attractiveness)
A Demuth, S Demuthova
Kaygı. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Felsefe Dergisi, 145-158, 2017
Psychological characteristics of juvenile offenders with constant integration problems
S Démuthová
Journal for Perspectives of Economic, Political, and Social Integration 18 …, 2012
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Articles 1–20