Suneeta Chimalapati
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Zinc uptake by Streptococcus pneumoniae depends on both AdcA and AdcAII and is essential for normal bacterial morphology and virulence
L Bayle, S Chimalapati, G Schoehn, J Brown, T Vernet, C Durmort
Molecular microbiology 82 (4), 904-916, 2011
TLR-mediated inflammatory responses to Streptococcus pneumoniae are highly dependent on surface expression of bacterial lipoproteins
G Tomlinson, S Chimalapati, T Pollard, T Lapp, J Cohen, E Camberlein, ...
The Journal of Immunology 193 (7), 3736-3745, 2014
Protective contributions against invasive Streptococcus pneumoniae pneumonia of antibody and Th17-cell responses to nasopharyngeal colonisation
JM Cohen, S Khandavilli, E Camberlein, C Hyams, HE Baxendale, ...
PloS one 6 (10), e25558, 2011
Screening of Streptococcus pneumoniae ABC Transporter Mutants Demonstrates that LivJHMGF, a Branched-Chain Amino Acid ABC Transporter, Is Necessary for …
S Basavanna, S Khandavilli, J Yuste, JM Cohen, AHF Hosie, AJ Webb, ...
Infection and immunity 77 (8), 3412-3423, 2009
Streptococcus pneumoniae capsular serotype invasiveness correlates with the degree of factor H binding and opsonization with C3b/iC3b
C Hyams, K Trzcinski, E Camberlein, DM Weinberger, S Chimalapati, ...
Infection and immunity 81 (1), 354-363, 2013
Human pancreatic cancer cell exosomes, but not human normal cell exosomes, act as an initiator in cell transformation
K Stefanius, K Servage, M de Souza Santos, HF Gray, JE Toombs, ...
Elife 8, e40226, 2019
Maturation of Streptococcus pneumoniae lipoproteins by a type II signal peptidase is required for ABC transporter function and full virulence
S Khandavilli, KA Homer, J Yuste, S Basavanna, T Mitchell, JS Brown
Molecular microbiology 67 (3), 541-557, 2008
The effects of methionine acquisition and synthesis on Streptococcus pneumoniae growth and virulence
S Basavanna, S Chimalapati, A Maqbool, B Rubbo, J Yuste, RJ Wilson, ...
PLoS One 8 (1), e49638, 2013
The Effects of PspC on Complement-Mediated Immunity to Streptococcus pneumoniae Vary with Strain Background and Capsular Serotype
J Yuste, S Khandavilli, N Ansari, K Muttardi, L Ismail, C Hyams, J Weiser, ...
Infection and immunity 78 (1), 283-292, 2010
Effects of Deletion of the Streptococcus pneumoniae Lipoprotein Diacylglyceryl Transferase Gene lgt on ABC Transporter Function and on Growth In Vivo
S Chimalapati, JM Cohen, E Camberlein, N MacDonald, C Durmort, ...
PloS one 7 (7), e41393, 2012
Biochemical characterization of the histidine triad protein PhtD as a cell surface zinc-binding protein of pneumococcus
E Loisel, S Chimalapati, C Bougault, A Imberty, B Gallet, AM Di Guilmi, ...
Biochemistry 50 (17), 3551-3558, 2011
CADM1 inhibits squamous cell carcinoma progression by reducing STAT3 activity
S Vallath, EK Sage, KK Kolluri, SN Lourenco, VS Teixeira, S Chimalapati, ...
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 24006, 2016
Importance of bacterial replication and alveolar macrophage-independent clearance mechanisms during early lung infection with Streptococcus pneumoniae
E Camberlein, JM Cohen, R José, CJ Hyams, R Callard, S Chimalapati, ...
Infection and immunity 83 (3), 1181-1189, 2015
Utility of spa typing for investigating the local epidemiology of MRSA on a UK intensive care ward
S Khandavilli, P Wilson, B Cookson, J Cepeda, G Bellingan, J Brown
Journal of Hospital Infection 71 (1), 29-35, 2009
Infection with Conditionally Virulent Streptococcus pneumoniae Δpab Strains Induces Antibody to Conserved Protein Antigens but Does Not Protect against …
S Chimalapati, J Cohen, E Camberlein, C Durmort, H Baxendale, ...
Infection and immunity 79 (12), 4965-4976, 2011
Contributions of capsule, lipoproteins and duration of colonisation towards the protective immunity of prior Streptococcus pneumoniae nasopharyngeal colonisation
JM Cohen, S Chimalapati, C de Vogel, A van Belkum, HE Baxendale, ...
Vaccine 30 (30), 4453-4459, 2012
A novel mouse model of enteric Vibrio parahaemolyticus infection reveals that the type III secretion system 2 effector VopC plays a key role in tissue invasion and gastroenteritis
H Yang, M de Souza Santos, J Lee, HT Law, S Chimalapati, EF Verdu, ...
Mbio 10 (6), 10.1128/mbio. 02608-19, 2019
Natural transformation in Vibrio parahaemolyticus: a rapid method to create genetic deletions
S Chimalapati, M de Souza Santos, K Servage, NJ De Nisco, AB Dalia, ...
Journal of bacteriology 200 (15), 10.1128/jb. 00032-18, 2018
Vibrio deploys type 2 secreted lipase to esterify cholesterol with host fatty acids and mediate cell egress
S Chimalapati, M de Souza Santos, AE Lafrance, A Ray, WR Lee, ...
Elife 9, e58057, 2020
Vibrio parahaemolyticus: Basic Techniques for Growth, Genetic Manipulation, and Analysis of Virulence Factors
S Chimalapati, AE Lafrance, L Chen, K Orth
Current protocols in microbiology 59 (1), e131, 2020
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Articles 1–20