Nava Ehsan
Nava Ehsan
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Cited by
Transcriptome variation in human tissues revealed by long-read sequencing
DA Glinos, G Garborcauskas, P Hoffman, N Ehsan, L Jiang, A Gokden, ...
Nature 608 (7922), 353-359, 2022
Integrative genomic analyses identify susceptibility genes underlying COVID-19 hospitalization
GA Pathak, K Singh, TW Miller-Fleming, FR Wendt, N Ehsan, K Hou, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 4569, 2021
Grammatical and context‐sensitive error correction using a statistical machine translation framework
N Ehsan, H Faili
Software: Practice and Experience 43 (2), 187-206, 2013
Candidate document retrieval for cross-lingual plagiarism detection using two-level proximity information
N Ehsan, A Shakery
Information Processing & Management 52 (6), 1004-1017, 2016
Vafa spell-checker for detecting spelling, grammatical, and real-word errors of Persian language
H Faili, N Ehsan, M Montazery, MT Pilehvar
Digital Scholarship in the Humanities 31 (1), 95-117, 2016
The regulatory landscape of multiple brain regions in outbred heterogeneous stock rats
D Munro, T Wang, AS Chitre, O Polesskaya, N Ehsan, J Gao, A Gusev, ...
Nucleic acids research 50 (19), 10882-10895, 2022
Towards grammar checker development for Persian language
N Ehsan, H Faili
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Natural Language …, 2010
Using a dictionary and n-gram alignment to improve fine-grained cross-language plagiarism detection
N Ehsan, FW Tompa, A Shakery
Proceedings of the 2016 ACM symposium on document engineering, 59-68, 2016
Cross-lingual text alignment for fine-grained plagiarism detection
N Ehsan, A Shakery, FW Tompa
Journal of Information Science 45 (4), 443-459, 2019
A Pairwise Document Analysis Approach for Monolingual Plagiarism Detection.
N Ehsan, A Shakery
FIRE (Working Notes), 145-148, 2016
Statistical Machine Translation as a Grammar Checker for Persian Language
N Ehsan, H Faili
Sixth Int. Multi-Conference Comput. Glob. Inf. Technol, 20-26, 2011
Integrative analyses identify susceptibility genes underlying COVID-19 hospitalization
GA Pathak, K Singh, TW Miller-Fleming, FR Wendt, N Ehsan, K Hou, ...
MedRxiv, 2020
Haplotype-aware modeling of cis-regulatory effects highlights the gaps remaining in eQTL data
N Ehsan, BM Kotis, SE Castel, EJ Song, N Mancuso, P Mohammadi
Nature Communications 15 (1), 522, 2024
Discourse-aware statistical machine translation as a context-sensitive spell checker
B Mirzababaei, H Faili, N Ehsan
Proceedings of the International Conference Recent Advances in Natural …, 2013
Multimodal analysis of RNA sequencing data powers discovery of complex trait genetics
D Munro, N Ehsan, SM Esmaeili-Fard, A Gusev, AA Palmer, ...
bioRxiv, 2024
Haplotype-aware modeling of cis-regulatory effects highlights the gaps remaining in eQTL data
P Mohammadi, N Ehsan, B Kotis, S Castel, E Song, N Mancuso
Integrative analyses identify genes and their functional consequences underlying COVID-19 hospitalization
K Singh, G Pathak, T Miller-Fleming, F Wendt, N Ehsan, K Hou, ...
Molecular Genetics and Metabolism 132, S215, 2021
Using Local Text Similarity in Pairwise Document Analysis for Monolingual Plagiarism Detection
N Ehsan, A Shakery
Text Processing: FIRE 2016 International Workshop, Kolkata, India, December …, 2018
Vafa spell-checker for detecting spelling, grammatical, and real-word errors of Persian
H Faili, N Ehsan, M Montazery, MT Pilehvar
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Articles 1–19