Vrontos Ioannis
Cited by
Cited by
A full‐factor multivariate GARCH model
ID Vrontos, P Dellaportas, DN Politis
The Econometrics Journal 6 (2), 312-334, 2003
Full Bayesian inference for GARCH and EGARCH models
ID Vrontos, P Dellaportas, DN Politis
Journal of Business & Economic Statistics 18 (2), 187-198, 2000
Hedge fund portfolio construction: A comparison of static and dynamic approaches
D Giamouridis, ID Vrontos
Journal of Banking & Finance 31 (1), 199-217, 2007
Quantile regression analysis of hedge fund strategies
L Meligkotsidou, ID Vrontos, SD Vrontos
Journal of Empirical Finance 16 (2), 264-279, 2009
Hedge fund pricing and model uncertainty
SD Vrontos, ID Vrontos, D Giamouridis
Journal of Banking & Finance 32 (5), 741-753, 2008
Implied volatility directional forecasting: a machine learning approach
SD Vrontos, J Galakis, ID Vrontos
Quantitative Finance 21 (10), 1687-1706, 2021
Modeling and predicting US recessions using machine learning techniques
SD Vrontos, J Galakis, ID Vrontos
International Journal of Forecasting 37 (2), 647-671, 2021
Detecting structural breaks and identifying risk factors in hedge fund returns: A Bayesian approach
L Meligkotsidou, ID Vrontos
Journal of Banking & Finance 32 (11), 2471-2481, 2008
A quantile regression approach to equity premium prediction
L Meligkotsidou, E Panopoulou, ID Vrontos, SD Vrontos
Journal of Forecasting 33 (7), 558-576, 2014
Inference for some multivariate ARCH and GARCH models
ID Vrontos, P Dellaportas, DN Politis
Journal of Forecasting 22 (6‐7), 427-446, 2003
Out-of-sample equity premium prediction: A complete subset quantile regression approach
L Meligkotsidou, E Panopoulou, ID Vrontos, SD Vrontos
The European Journal of Finance 27 (1-2), 110-135, 2021
A Bayesian approach to detecting nonlinear risk exposures in hedge fund strategies
D Giannikis, ID Vrontos
Journal of Banking & Finance 35 (6), 1399-1414, 2011
Quantile forecast combinations in realised volatility prediction
L Meligkotsidou, E Panopoulou, ID Vrontos, SD Vrontos
Journal of the Operational Research Society 70 (10), 1720-1733, 2019
A Markov chain Monte Carlo convergence diagnostic using subsampling
SG Giakoumatos, ID Vrontos, P Dellaportas, DN Politis
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 8 (3), 431-451, 1999
Modelling volatility asymmetries: a Bayesian analysis of a class of tree structured multivariate GARCH models
P Dellaportas, ID Vrontos
The Econometrics Journal 10 (3), 503-520, 2007
Modelling nonlinearities and heavy tails via threshold normal mixture GARCH models
D Giannikis, ID Vrontos, P Dellaportas
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 52 (3), 1549-1571, 2008
A Bayesian analysis of unit roots and structural breaks in the level, trend, and error variance of autoregressive models of economic series
L Meligkotsidou, E Tzavalis, ID Vrontos
Econometric Reviews 30 (2), 208-249, 2011
Forecasting under model uncertainty: Non‐homogeneous hidden Markov models with Pòlya‐Gamma data augmentation
C Koki, L Meligkotsidou, I Vrontos
Journal of Forecasting 39 (4), 580-598, 2020
A Student-t Full Factor Multivariate GARCH Model
K Diamantopoulos, ID Vrontos
Computational economics 35, 63-83, 2010
Detecting structural breaks in multivariate financial time series: evidence from hedge fund investment strategies
L Meligkotsidou, ID Vrontos
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 84 (5), 1115-1135, 2014
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Articles 1–20