Elena Dalpiaz
Elena Dalpiaz
Imperial College Business School
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A cultural quest: A study of organizational use of new cultural resources in strategy formation
V Rindova, E Dalpiaz, D Ravasi
Organization Science 22 (2), 413-431, 2011
Combining logics to transform organizational agency: Blending industry and art at Alessi
E Dalpiaz, V Rindova, D Ravasi
Administrative science quarterly 61 (3), 347-392, 2016
Succession narratives in family business: The case of Alessi
E Dalpiaz, P Tracey, N Phillips
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 38 (6), 1375-1394, 2014
Fish out of water: Translation, legitimation, and new venture creation
P Tracey, E Dalpiaz, N Phillips
Academy of Management Journal 61 (5), 1627-1666, 2018
A universe of stories: Mobilizing narrative practices during transformative change
E Dalpiaz, G Di Stefano
Strategic Management Journal 39 (3), 664-696, 2018
The cultural side of value creation
D Ravasi, V Rindova, E Dalpiaz
Strategic Organization 10 (3), 231-239, 2012
Where strategy meets culture: The neglected role of cultural and symbolic resources in strategy research
E Dalpiaz, VP Rindova, D Ravasi
The Globalization of Strategy Research, 175-208, 2010
The mind of the strategist and the eye of the beholder: The socio-cognitive perspective in strategy research
VP Rindova, RK Reger, E Dalpiaz
Handbook of research on competitive strategy 147, 164, 2012
A double-edged sword: cultural entrepreneurship and the mobilisation of morally tainted cultural resources
E Dalpiaz, V Cavotta
Culture, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 214-228, 2021
Good apples in spoiled barrels: A temporal model of firm formalization in a field characterized by widespread informality
V Cavotta, E Dalpiaz
Journal of Business Venturing 37 (2), 106188, 2022
Confronting the contested past: Sensemaking and rhetorical history in the reconstruction of organizational identity
CE Hampel, E Dalpiaz
Academy of Management Journal 66 (6), 1711-1740, 2023
The perfume of traditions: Cultural entrepreneurship and the resurrection of extinct societal traditions
F Bacco, E Dalpiaz
Advances in cultural entrepreneurship, 113-136, 2022
Corporate reputation and the news media in Italy
E Dalpiaz, D Ravasi
Corporate Reputation and the News Media, 121-144, 2010
Analyzing changes in organizational cultural repertoires
D Ravasi, V Rindova, E Dalpiaz
The Routledge Companion to Qualitative Research in Organization Studies, 203-225, 2017
Reputazione e attrattività del Sistema Paese: l’Italia attraverso l’analisi della stampa anglosassone
E Dalpiaz, R Piccarreta
L’attrattività del sistema paese–Territori, Settori, Imprese, 121-162, 2006
The use of cultural resources in strategy formation and organizational change
E Dalpiaz
Università Bocconi, 2010
Organizations, Institutions, and Symbols: Introduction to a Point‐Counterpoint Conversation
D Muzio, E Dalpiaz, D Jancsary, C Moser, S Leixnering, M Höllerer, ...
Journal of Management Studies, 2024
New ventures and the discursive construction of hype when products are (still) underperforming
C Hampel, E Dalpiaz, F Bacco
Academy of Management Proceedings, 2023
Rising from the Ashes: How Ventures use Moralizing Narratives to Reform and Tackle Legitimacy Crises
CE Hampel, E Dalpiaz
Academy of Management Proceedings 2019 (1), 12767, 2019
A Universe of Stories: Mobilizing Narrative Practices During Transformative Change
G Di Stefano, E Dalpiaz
HEC Research Papers Series, 2017
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Articles 1–20