Martin Wilding
Martin Wilding
University of Manchester at Harwell
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Pressure-induced amorphization and an amorphous–amorphous transition in densified porous silicon
SK Deb, M Wilding, M Somayazulu, PF McMillan
Nature 414 (6863), 528-530, 2001
Detection of first-order liquid/liquid phase transitions in yttrium oxide-aluminum oxide melts
GN Greaves, MC Wilding, S Fearn, D Langstaff, F Kargl, S Cox, QV Van, ...
Science 322 (5901), 566-570, 2008
Polyamorphism and liquid–liquid phase transitions: challenges for experiment and theory
PF McMillan, M Wilson, MC Wilding, D Daisenberger, M Mezouar, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 19 (41), 415101, 2007
Pressure-induced amorphization and polyamorphism: Inorganic and biochemical systems
D Machon, F Meersman, MC Wilding, M Wilson, PF McMillan
Progress in Materials Science 61, 216-282, 2014
Joint diffraction and modeling approach to the structure of liquid alumina
LB Skinner, AC Barnes, PS Salmon, L Hennet, HE Fischer, CJ Benmore, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (2), 024201, 2013
Structural studies and polymorphism in amorphous solids and liquids at high pressure
MC Wilding, M Wilson, PF McMillan
Chemical Society Reviews 35 (10), 964-986, 2006
High-Pressure Transformation of Glass from a Tetrahedral to an Octahedral Network: A Joint Approach Using Neutron Diffraction and Molecular Dynamics
A Zeidler, K Wezka, RF Rowlands, DAJ Whittaker, PS Salmon, A Polidori, ...
Physical review letters 113 (13), 135501, 2014
Relationship between topological order and glass forming ability in densely packed enstatite and forsterite composition glasses
S Kohara, J Akola, H Morita, K Suzuya, JKR Weber, MC Wilding, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (36), 14780-14785, 2011
Cation clustering and formation of free oxide ions in sodium and potassium lanthanum silicate glasses: nuclear magnetic resonance and Raman spectroscopic findings
T Schaller, JF Stebbins, MC Wilding
Journal of non-crystalline solids 243 (2-3), 146-157, 1999
High-pressure x-ray scattering and computer simulation studies of density-induced polyamorphism in silicon
D Daisenberger, M Wilson, PF McMillan, R Quesada Cabrera, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 75 (22), 224118, 2007
Polyamorphic transitions in yttria–alumina liquids
MC Wilding, PF McMillan
Journal of non-crystalline solids 293, 357-365, 2001
Evaluation of a relaxation geospeedometer for volcanic glasses
MC Wilding, SL Webb, DB Dingwell
Chemical Geology 125 (3-4), 137-148, 1995
Evidence of different structures in magnesium silicate liquids: coordination changes in forsterite-to enstatite-composition glasses
MC Wilding, CJ Benmore, JA Tangeman, S Sampath
Chemical Geology 213 (1-3), 281-291, 2004
Density-driven structural transformations in network forming glasses: a high-pressure neutron diffraction study of GeO2 glass up to 17.5 GPa
PS Salmon, JWE Drewitt, DAJ Whittaker, A Zeidler, K Wezka, CL Bull, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 24 (41), 415102, 2012
Coordination changes in magnesium silicate glasses
MC Wilding, CJ Benmore, JA Tangeman, S Sampath
Europhysics Letters 67 (2), 212, 2004
A neutron diffraction study of yttrium-and lanthanum-aluminate glasses
MC Wilding, CJ Benmore, PF McMillan
Journal of non-crystalline solids 297 (2-3), 143-155, 2002
Enthalpies of formation of lanthanide oxyapatite phases
AS Risbud, KB Helean, MC Wilding, P Lu, A Navrotsky
Journal of Materials Research 16 (10), 2780-2783, 2001
The C1XS X-ray spectrometer on Chandrayaan-1
M Grande, BJ Maddison, CJ Howe, BJ Kellett, P Sreekumar, J Huovelin, ...
Planetary and Space Science 57 (7), 717-724, 2009
Rhyolite magma degassing: an experimental study of melt vesiculation
NS Bagdassarov, DB Dingwell, MC Wilding
Bulletin of volcanology 57, 587-601, 1996
Temperature-dependent structural heterogeneity in calcium silicate liquids
CJ Benmore, JKR Weber, MC Wilding, J Du, JB Parise
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 82 (22), 224202, 2010
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Articles 1–20