Alex Corbett
Cited by
Cited by
Optical control of excitation waves in cardiac tissue
RAB Burton, A Klimas, CM Ambrosi, J Tomek, A Corbett, E Entcheva, ...
Nature Photonics 9 (12), 813-816, 2015
Laser Based Image Display System
L Lacoste, AD Corbett, D Stindt
US Patent App. 13/201,479, 2012
Holographic image display systems
PR Routley, AD Corbett, AJ Cable, GJ McCaughan
US Patent App. 12/831,195, 2011
QUAREP-LiMi: A community-driven initiative to establish guidelines for quality assessment and reproducibility for instruments and images in light microscopy
Journal of Microscopy 284 (1), 56-73, 2021
Towards community-driven metadata standards for light microscopy: tiered specifications extending the OME model (vol 18, pg 1427, 2021)
M Hammer, M Huisman, A Rigano, U Boehm, JJ Chambers, N Gaudreault, ...
Nature Methods 18 (12), 1427–1440, 2021
Microscope calibration using laser written fluorescence
AD Corbett, M Shaw, A Yacoot, A Jefferson, L Schermelleh, T Wilson, ...
Optics Express 26 (17), 21887-21899, 2018
Porphyrins for probing electrical potential across lipid bilayer membranes by second harmonic generation
JE Reeve, AD Corbett, I Boczarow, W Kaluza, W Barford, H Bayley, ...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 52 (34), 9044-9048, 2013
Fast measurement of sarcomere length and cell orientation in Langendorff-perfused hearts using remote focusing microscopy
EJ Botcherby, A Corbett, RAB Burton, CW Smith, C Bollensdorff, MJ Booth, ...
Circulation research 113 (7), 863-870, 2013
Caveolae in rabbit ventricular myocytes: distribution and dynamic diminution after cell isolation
RAB Burton, EA Rog-Zielinska, AD Corbett, R Peyronnet, I Bodi, M Fink, ...
Biophysical journal 113 (5), 1047-1059, 2017
Probing the orientational distribution of dyes in membranes through multiphoton microscopy
JE Reeve, AD Corbett, I Boczarow, T Wilson, H Bayley, HL Anderson
Biophysical journal 103 (5), 907-917, 2012
Designing a holographic modal wavefront sensor for the detection of static ocular aberrations
AD Corbett, TD Wilkinson, JJ Zhong, L Diaz-Santana
JOSA A 24 (5), 1266-1275, 2007
Laser‐based multi‐user 3‐D display
P Surman, I Sexton, K Hopf, WK Lee, F Neumann, E Buckley, G Jones, ...
Journal of the Society for Information Display 16 (7), 743-753, 2008
Quantifying distortions in two-photon remote focussing microscope images using a volumetric calibration specimen
AD Corbett, RAB Burton, G Bub, PS Salter, S Tuohy, MJ Booth, T Wilson
Frontiers in physiology 5, 384, 2014
A perspective on Microscopy Metadata: data provenance and quality control
M Huisman, M Hammer, A Rigano, U Boehm, JJ Chambers, N Gaudreault, ...
arXiv, 2021
Sensitivity of remote focusing microscopes to magnification mismatch
S Mohanan, AD Corbett
Journal of Microscopy 288 (2), 95-105, 2022
Random access parallel microscopy
M Ashraf, S Mohanan, BR Sim, A Tam, K Rahemipour, D Brousseau, ...
Elife 10, e56426, 2021
Optical interrogation of sympathetic neuronal effects on macroscopic cardiomyocyte network dynamics
RAB Burton, J Tomek, CM Ambrosi, HE Larsen, AR Sharkey, RA Capel, ...
Iscience 23 (7), 2020
Spinning disk-remote focusing microscopy
M Gintoli, S Mohanan, P Salter, E Williams, JD Beard, G Jekely, ...
Biomedical Optics Express 11 (6), 2874-2888, 2020
Multi‐viewer autostereoscopic display with dynamically addressable holographic backlight
E Buckley, A Corbett, P Surman, I Sexton, K Hopf, F Neumann
Journal of the Society for Information Display 17 (4), 345-356, 2009
Rotational phase unwrapping
DJ Bone, AD Corbett
US Patent US 20150139385 A1, 2015
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Articles 1–20