Ivan Brick
Ivan Brick
Professor of Finance, Rutgers University
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CEO compensation, director compensation, and firm performance: Evidence of cronyism?
IE Brick, O Palmon, JK Wald
Journal of Corporate Finance 12 (3), 403-423, 2006
Board meetings, committee structure, and firm value
IE Brick, NK Chidambaran
Journal of corporate finance 16 (4), 533-553, 2010
On the relevance of debt maturity structure
IE Brick, SA Ravid
The journal of Finance 40 (5), 1423-1437, 1985
Evidence of jointness in the terms of relationship lending
IE Brick, D Palia
Journal of Financial Intermediation 16 (3), 452-476, 2007
Interest rate uncertainty and the optimal debt maturity structure
IE Brick, SA Ravid
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 26 (1), 63-81, 1991
Taxes and the theory of trade debt
IE Brick, WKH Fung
The Journal of Finance 39 (4), 1169-1176, 1984
Board monitoring, firm risk, and external regulation
IE Brick, NK Chidambaran
Journal of Regulatory Economics 33, 87-116, 2008
Too much pay-performance sensitivity?
IE Brick, O Palmon, JK Wald
Review of Economics and Statistics 94 (1), 287-303, 2012
Simultaneous estimation of CEO compensation, leverage, and board characteristics on firm value
IE Brick, D Palia, CJ Wang
Unpublished working paper, 2005
Asymmetric information concerning the variance of cash flows: The capital structure choice
IE Brick, M Frierman, YK Kim
International Economic Review, 745-761, 1998
The joint determinants of cash holdings and debt maturity: the case for financial constraints
IE Brick, RC Liao
Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting 48, 597-641, 2017
Event studies and model misspecification: Another look at the benefits of outsiders from public information about insider trading
IE Brick, M Statman, DG Weaver
Journal of business finance & accounting 16 (3), 399-424, 1989
Interest Rates Fluctuations and the Advantage of Long‐Term Debt Financing: A Note on the Effect of the Tax‐Timing Option
IE Brick, O Palmon
Financial Review 27 (3), 467-474, 1992
The marketing mix decision under uncertainty
HS Jagpal, IE Brick
Marketing Science 1 (1), 79-92, 1982
Leasing and financial intermediation: comparative tax advantages
IE Brick, W Fung, M Subrahmanyam
Financial Management, 55-59, 1987
On the Relationship between Accounting Risk and Return: Is There a (B owman) P aradox?
IE Brick, O Palmon, I Venezia
European Management Review 12 (2), 99-111, 2015
Effects of classifying equity or debt on the value of the firm under tax asymmetry
IE Brick, L Fisher
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 22 (4), 383-399, 1987
Strategic decision making of the firm under asymmetric information
GY Luo, I Brick, M Frierman
Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting 19, 215-237, 2002
The effect of taxes on the trade credit decision
IE Brick, WKH Fung
Financial Management, 24-30, 1984
The relative tax benefits of alternative call features in corporate debt
IE Brick, BA Wallingford
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 20 (1), 95-105, 1985
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Articles 1–20