Raphael Zufferey
Raphael Zufferey
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Cited by
A biologically inspired, flapping-wing, hybrid aerial-aquatic microrobot
Y Chen, H Wang, EF Helbling, NT Jafferis, R Zufferey, A Ong, K Ma, ...
Science robotics 2 (11), eaao5619, 2017
Power and control autonomy for high-speed locomotion with an insect-scale legged robot
B Goldberg, R Zufferey, N Doshi, EF Helbling, G Whittredge, M Kovac, ...
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 3 (2), 987-993, 2018
Consecutive aquatic jump-gliding with water-reactive fuel
R Zufferey, AO Ancel, A Farinha, R Siddall, SF Armanini, M Nasr, ...
Science Robotics 4 (34), eaax7330, 2019
Design of the high-payload flapping wing robot e-flap
R Zufferey, J Tormo-Barbero, MM Guzmán, FJ Maldonado, ...
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 6 (2), 3097-3104, 2021
How ornithopters can perch autonomously on a branch
R Zufferey, JT Barbero, DF Talegon, SR Nekoo, JA Acosta, A Ollero
Nature Communications 13 (7713), 2022
Unmanned aerial sensor placement for cluttered environments
A Farinha, R Zufferey, P Zheng, SF Armanini, M Kovac
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 5 (4), 6623-6630, 2020
Sailmav: Design and implementation of a novel multi-modal flying sailing robot
R Zufferey, AO Ancel, C Raposo, SF Armanini, A Farinha, R Siddall, ...
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 4 (3), 2894-2901, 2019
Medusa: A multi-environment dual-robot for underwater sample acquisition
D Debruyn, R Zufferey, SF Armanini, C Winston, A Farinha, Y Jin, ...
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 5 (3), 4564-4571, 2020
Design and comparison of tails for bird-scale flapping-wing robots
MM Guzmán, CR Páez, FJ Maldonado, R Zufferey, J Tormo-Barbero, ...
2021 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2021
Between Sea and Sky: Aerial Aquatic Locomotion in Miniature Robots
R Zufferey, R Siddall, SF Armanini, M Kovac
Springer International Publishing, 2022
The natural robotics contest: Crowdsourced biomimetic design
R Siddall, R Zufferey, S Armanini, K Zhang, S Sareh, E Sergeev
Bioinspiration & Biomimetics 18 (3), 036002, 2023
Cubeth adcs design, implementation and validation tests
S Rossi, A Ivanov, G Faure, B Geissman, J Amiguet, R Valceschini, ...
66th International Astronautical Congress, IAC, Jaruselam, Israel 10, 2015
Challenges in control and autonomy of unmanned aerial-aquatic vehicles
A Farinha, J Di Tria, R Zufferey, SF Armanini, M Kovac
2021 29th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED), 937-942, 2021
Off-shore and underwater sampling of aquatic environments with the aerial-aquatic drone MEDUSA
AT Farinha, J Di Tria, M Reyes, C Rosas, O Pang, R Zufferey, F Pomati, ...
Frontiers in Environmental Science 10, 1023269, 2022
Experimental method for perching flapping-wing aerial robots
R Zufferey, D Feliu-Talegon, SR Nekoo, JA Acosta, A Ollero
arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.01447, 2023
Adaptive morphology in aerial-aquatic robots
R Zufferey, S Armanini, A Farinha, M Kovac
9ᵗʰ International Symposium on Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines (AMAM …, 2019
Aquatic Escape: Repeatable Escape with Combustion
R Zufferey, R Siddall, SF Armanini, M Kovac, R Zufferey, R Siddall, ...
Between Sea and Sky: Aerial Aquatic Locomotion in Miniature Robots, 131-153, 2022
Multirotor Aircraft and the Aquatic Environment
R Zufferey, R Siddall, SF Armanini, M Kovac, R Zufferey, R Siddall, ...
Between Sea and Sky: Aerial Aquatic Locomotion in Miniature Robots, 197-211, 2022
Why swim and fly?
R Zufferey, R Siddall, SF Armanini, M Kovac, R Zufferey, R Siddall, ...
Between Sea and Sky: Aerial Aquatic Locomotion in Miniature Robots, 13-18, 2022
Sailing and flying with a multimodal robot
R Zufferey, R Siddall, SF Armanini, M Kovac, R Zufferey, R Siddall, ...
Between Sea and Sky: Aerial Aquatic Locomotion in Miniature Robots, 167-195, 2022
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Articles 1–20