Samuel H. Langton
Samuel H. Langton
Research software consultant, Amsterdam University Medical Center
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Cited by
Cited by
Six months in: pandemic crime trends in England and Wales
S Langton, A Dixon, G Farrell
Crime science 10 (1), 6, 2021
The accuracy of crime statistics: Assessing the impact of police data bias on geographic crime analysis
D Buil-Gil, A Moretti, SH Langton
Journal of Experimental Criminology, 1-27, 2021
Residential burglary target selection: An analysis at the property-level using Google Street View
SH Langton, W Steenbeek
Applied Geography 86, 292-299, 2017
Small area variation in crime effects of COVID-19 policies in England and Wales
S Langton, A Dixon, G Farrell
Journal of Criminal Justice, 2021
Small area variation in crime effects of COVID-19 policies in England and Wales
S Langton, A Dixon, G Farrell
SocArXiv, 2021
Policing and Mental ill-health: Using Big Data to Assess the Scale and Severity of, and the Frontline Resources Committed to, mental ill-health-related calls-for-service
S Langton, J Bannister, M Ellison, MS Haleem, ...
Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice 15 (3), 1963-1976, 2021
Cartograms, hexograms and regular grids: Minimising misrepresentation in spatial data visualisations
SH Langton, R Solymosi
Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science 48 (2), 348-357, 2021
Anchored k-medoids: a novel adaptation of k-medoids further refined to measure long-term instability in the exposure to crime
M Adepeju, S Langton, J Bannister
Journal of Computational Social Science 4 (2), 655-680, 2021
A Beginner's Guide to Statistics for Criminology and Criminal Justice Using R
A Wooditch, NJ Johnson, R Solymosi, JM Ariza, S Langton
Springer, 2021
Describing the scale and composition of calls for police service: A replication and extension using open data
S Langton, S Ruiter, T Verlaan
Police Practice and Research 24 (5), 523-538, 2023
Ordinary least squares regression
A Wooditch, NJ Johnson, R Solymosi, J Medina Ariza, S Langton
A Beginner’s Guide to Statistics for Criminology and Criminal Justice Using …, 2021
The normal distribution and single-sample significance tests
A Wooditch, NJ Johnson, R Solymosi, J Medina Ariza, S Langton
A Beginner’s Guide to Statistics for Criminology and Criminal Justice Using …, 2021
Analysis of variance (ANOVA)
A Wooditch, NJ Johnson, R Solymosi, J Medina Ariza, S Langton
A Beginner’s Guide to Statistics for Criminology and Criminal Justice Using …, 2021
Bivariate correlation
A Wooditch, NJ Johnson, R Solymosi, J Medina Ariza, S Langton
A beginner’s guide to statistics for criminology and criminal justice using …, 2021
Akmedoids R package for generating directionally-homogeneous clusters of longitudinal data sets
M Adepeju, S Langton, J Bannister
Journal of Open Source Software 5 (56), 2379-2379, 2020
Six months in: pandemic crime trends in England and Wales. Crime Science, 10 (1), 6
S Langton, A Dixon, G Farrell
GIS and Geovisual Analysis
D Buil-Gil, SH Langton
SAGE Research Methods Foundations, 2020
akmedoids: Anchored Kmedoids for Longitudinal Data Clustering
M Adepeju, S Langton, J Bannister
Operationalizing deployment time in police calls for service
S Langton, T Verlaan, S Ruiter
Crime Science 12 (1), 20, 2023
Measures of Dispersion
A Wooditch, NJ Johnson, R Solymosi, J Medina Ariza, S Langton
A Beginner’s Guide to Statistics for Criminology and Criminal Justice Using …, 2021
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Articles 1–20