Poul Alberg Østergaard
Cited by
Cited by
Smart Energy Systems for coherent 100% renewable energy and transport solutions
BV Mathiesen, H Lund, D Connolly, H Wenzel, PA Østergaard, B Möller, ...
Applied energy 145, 139-154, 2015
Smart energy and smart energy systems
H Lund, PA Østergaard, D Connolly, BV Mathiesen
Energy 137, 556-565, 2017
Heat Roadmap Europe: Combining district heating with heat savings to decarbonise the EU energy system
D Connolly, H Lund, BV Mathiesen, S Werner, B Möller, U Persson, ...
Energy policy 65, 475-489, 2014
Renewable energy systems: a smart energy systems approach to the choice and modeling of 100% renewable solutions
H Lund
Academic Press, 2014
From electricity smart grids to smart energy systems–a market operation based approach and understanding
H Lund, AN Andersen, PA Østergaard, BV Mathiesen, D Connolly
Energy 42 (1), 96-102, 2012
Sustainable development using renewable energy technology
PA Østergaard, N Duic, Y Noorollahi, H Mikulcic, S Kalogirou
Renewable energy 146, 2430-2437, 2020
The status of 4th generation district heating: Research and results
H Lund, PA Østergaard, M Chang, S Werner, S Svendsen, P Sorknæs, ...
Energy 164, 147-159, 2018
Energy storage and smart energy systems
H Lund, PA Østergaard, D Connolly, I Ridjan, BV Mathiesen, F Hvelplund, ...
International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management 11, 3-14, 2016
On the history and future of 100% renewable energy systems research
C Breyer, S Khalili, D Bogdanov, M Ram, AS Oyewo, A Aghahosseini, ...
IEEE Access 10, 78176-78218, 2022
A renewable energy system in Frederikshavn using low-temperature geothermal energy for district heating
PA Østergaard, H Lund
Applied Energy 88 (2), 479-487, 2011
Trends in tools and approaches for modelling the energy transition
M Chang, JZ Thellufsen, B Zakeri, B Pickering, S Pfenninger, H Lund, ...
Applied Energy 290, 116731, 2021
EnergyPLAN–Advanced analysis of smart energy systems
H Lund, JZ Thellufsen, PA Østergaard, P Sorknæs, IR Skov, ...
Smart Energy 1, 100007, 2021
Reviewing EnergyPLAN simulations and performance indicator applications in EnergyPLAN simulations
PA Østergaard
Applied Energy 154, 921-933, 2015
Reviewing optimisation criteria for energy systems analyses of renewable energy integration
PA Østergaard
Energy 34 (9), 1236-1245, 2009
A renewable energy scenario for Aalborg Municipality based on low-temperature geothermal heat, wind power and biomass
PA Østergaard, BV Mathiesen, B Möller, H Lund
Energy 35 (12), 4892-4901, 2010
Smart energy cities in a 100% renewable energy context
JZ Thellufsen, H Lund, P Sorknæs, PA Østergaard, M Chang, D Drysdale, ...
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 129, 109922, 2020
Simulation versus optimisation: Theoretical positions in energy system modelling
H Lund, F Arler, PA Østergaard, F Hvelplund, D Connolly, BV Mathiesen, ...
Energies 10 (7), 840, 2017
Perspectives on fourth and fifth generation district heating
H Lund, PA Østergaard, TB Nielsen, S Werner, JE Thorsen, ...
Energy 227, 120520, 2021
Booster heat pumps and central heat pumps in district heating
PA Østergaard, AN Andersen
Applied Energy 184, 1374-1388, 2016
Future district heating systems and technologies: On the role of smart energy systems and 4th generation district heating
H Lund, N Duic, PA Østergaard, BV Mathiesen
Energy 165, 614-619, 2018
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Articles 1–20