Paleoproterozoic Huronian basin: product of a Wilson cycle punctuated by glaciations and a meteorite impact GM Young, DGF Long, CM Fedo, HW Nesbitt Sedimentary Geology 141, 233-254, 2001 | 198 | 2001 |
Proterozoic stream deposits: some problems of recognition and interpretation of ancient sandy fluvial systems DGF Long Dallas Geological Society, 1977 | 177 | 1977 |
Architecture and depositional style of fluvial systems before land plants: a comparison of Precambrian, early Paleozoic, and modern river deposits DGF Long | 134 | 2011 |
Secular changes in sedimentation systems and sequence stratigraphy PG Eriksson, S Banerjee, O Catuneanu, PL Corcoran, KA Eriksson, ... Gondwana Research 24 (2), 468-489, 2013 | 114 | 2013 |
Tempestite frequency curves: a key to Late Ordovician and Early Silurian subsidence, sea-level change, and orbital forcing in the Anticosti foreland basin, Quebec, Canada DGF Long Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 44 (3), 413-431, 2007 | 113 | 2007 |
Architecture of pre-vegetation sandy-braided perennial and ephemeral river deposits in the Paleoproterozoic Athabasca Group, northern Saskatchewan, Canada as indicators of … DGF Long Sedimentary Geology 190 (1-4), 71-95, 2006 | 113 | 2006 |
Oxygen and carbon isotopes and event stratigraphy near the Ordovician—Silurian boundary, Anticosti Island Quebec DGF Long Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 104 (1-4), 49-59, 1993 | 110 | 1993 |
The tectonostatigraphic evolution of the Huronian basement and the subsequent basin fill: geological constraints on impact models of the Sudbury event DGF Long Precambrian Research 129 (3-4), 203-223, 2004 | 85 | 2004 |
Birth of the northern Cordilleran orogen, as recorded by detrital zircons in Jurassic synorogenic strata and regional exhumation in Yukon M Colpron, JL Crowley, G Gehrels, DGF Long, DC Murphy, L Beranek, ... Lithosphere 7 (5), 541-562, 2015 | 79 | 2015 |
LA-ICP-MS elemental mapping of pyrite: An application to the Palaeoproterozoic atmosphere L Zhou, CA McKenna, DGF Long, BS Kamber Precambrian Research 297, 33-55, 2017 | 43 | 2017 |
Basin architecture and syndepositional fault activity during deposition of the Neoproterozoic Mackenzie Mountains supergroup, Northwest Territories, CanadaNorthwest Territories … EC Turner, DGF Long Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 45 (10), 1159-1184, 2008 | 42 | 2008 |
Depositional environments of a thick Proterozoic sandstone: the (Huronian) Mississagi Formation of Ontario, Canada DGF Long Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 15 (2), 190-206, 1978 | 41 | 1978 |
Tectonic, sedimentary and metallogenic re-evaluation of basal strata in the Mesoproterozoic Bylot basins, Nunavut, Canada: Are unconformity-type uranium concentrations a … DGF Long, EC Turner Precambrian Research 214, 192-209, 2012 | 39 | 2012 |
Discussion on ‘Tectonic and environmental controls on Palaeozoic fluvial environments: reassessing the impacts of early land plants on sedimentation’Journal of the Geological … NS Davies, MR Gibling, WJ McMahon, BJ Slater, DGF Long, AR Bashforth, ... Journal of the Geological Society 174 (5), 947-950, 2017 | 38 | 2017 |
Late Mesoproterozoic rifting in Arctic Canada during Rodinia assembly: impactogens, trans‐continental far‐field stress and zinc mineralisation EC Turner, DGF Long, RH Rainbird, JA Petrus, NM Rayner Terra Nova 28 (3), 188-194, 2016 | 36 | 2016 |
Geoarchaeology and new research at Jerf al‐Ajla Cave, Syria PJ Julig, DGF Long, HB Schroeder, WJ Rink, D Richter, HP Schwarcz Geoarchaeology 14 (8), 821-848, 1999 | 35 | 1999 |
Glacial and paraglacial genesis of conglomeratic rocks of the Chibougamau Formation (Aphebian), Chibougamau, Quebec DGF Long Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 11 (9), 1236-1252, 1974 | 35 | 1974 |
Stratigraphic revisions for a key Ordovician/Silurian boundary section, Anticosti Island, Canada P Copper, DGF Long Newsletters on stratigraphy 21 (1), 59-73, 1989 | 34 | 1989 |
The Early Cambrian Bradore Formation of southeastern Labrador and adjacent parts of Quebec: architecture and genesis of clastic strata on an early Paleozoic wave-swept shallow … DGF Long, SS Yip Sedimentary Geology 215 (1-4), 50-69, 2009 | 31 | 2009 |
Palaeohydrological data from the c. 2.0 to 1.8 Ga Waterberg Group, South Africa: discussion of a possibly unique Palaeoproterozoic fluvial style P Eriksson, D Long, A Bumby, K Eriksson, E Simpson, O Catuneanu, ... South African Journal of Geology 111 (2-3), 281-304, 2008 | 31 | 2008 |