Jan van Ours
Jan van Ours
Erasmus School of Economics, Rotterdam
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The economics of imperfect labor markets
T Boeri, J Ours
Princeton University Press, 2014
The effect of unemployment insurance sanctions on the transition rate from unemployment to employment
J Abbring, GJ Van den Berg, J Van Ours
Economic Journal 115, 602-630, 2005
Does the recent success of some OECD countries in lowering their unemployment rates lie in the clever design of their labor market reforms?
M Belot, JC Van Ours
Oxford Economic Papers 56 (4), 621-642, 2004
Age, wage and productivity in Dutch manufacturing
JC Van Ours, L Stoeldraijer
De Economist 159 (2), 113-137, 2011
Job satisfaction and family happiness: the part‐time work puzzle
AL Booth, JC Van Ours
The Economic Journal 118 (526), F77-F99, 2008
Punitive sanctions and the transition rate from welfare to work
GJ Van den Berg, B Van der Klaauw, JC Van Ours
Journal of labor economics 22 (1), 211-241, 2004
Welfare‐improving employment protection
M Belot, J Boone, J Van Ours
Economica 74 (295), 381-396, 2007
How changes in financial incentives affect the duration of unemployment
R Lalive, J Van Ours, J Zweimüller
The Review of Economic Studies 73 (4), 1009-1038, 2006
The effect of benefit sanctions on the duration of unemployment
R Lalive, JC Van Ours, J Zweimüller
Journal of the European economic association 3 (6), 1386-1417, 2005
Bringing unemployed back to work: Effective active labor market policies
J Boone, JC van Ours
De Economist 157, 293-313, 2009
Does reducing unemployment insurance generosity reduce job match quality?
JC Van Ours, M Vodopivec
Journal of Public Economics 92 (3-4), 684-695, 2008
The educational attainment of second-generation immigrants in The Netherland
JC Ours, J Veenman
Journal of Population Economics 16 (4), 739-753, 2003
How effective are unemployment benefit sanctions? Looking beyond unemployment exit
P Arni, R Lalive, JC Van Ours
Journal of applied econometrics 28 (7), 1153-1178, 2013
How shortening the potential duration of unemployment benefits affects the duration of unemployment: Evidence from a natural experiment
JC Van Ours, M Vodopivec
Journal of Labor economics 24 (2), 351-378, 2006
The locking-in effect of subsidized jobs
JC Van Ours
Journal of Comparative Economics 32 (1), 37-55, 2004
Vacancies and the recruitment of new employees
J Van Ours, G Ridder
Journal of Labor Economics 10 (2), 138-155, 1992
Hours of work and gender identity: Does part‐time work make the family happier?
AL Booth, JC Van Ours
Economica 76 (301), 176-196, 2009
How to help unemployed find jobs quickly: Experimental evidence from a mandatory activation program
BK Graversen, JC Van Ours
Journal of Public economics 92 (10-11), 2020-2035, 2008
Labor market effects of unemployment insurance design
K Tatsiramos, JC Van Ours
Journal of economic surveys 28 (2), 284-311, 2014
The impact of active labour market programmes on the duration of unemployment in Switzerland
R Lalive, JC Van Ours, J Zweimüller
The Economic Journal 118 (525), 235-257, 2008
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