Oscar Giles
Oscar Giles
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Cited by
Road users rarely use explicit communication when interacting in today’s traffic: implications for automated vehicles
YM Lee, R Madigan, O Giles, L Garach-Morcillo, G Markkula, C Fox, ...
Cognition, Technology & Work 23, 367-380, 2021
Models of human decision-making as tools for estimating and optimizing impacts of vehicle automation
G Markkula, R Romano, R Madigan, CW Fox, OT Giles, N Merat
Transportation research record 2672 (37), 153-163, 2018
Getting back into the loop: the perceptual-motor determinants of successful transitions out of automated driving
CD Mole, O Lappi, O Giles, G Markkula, F Mars, RM Wilkie
Human factors 61 (7), 1037-1065, 2019
Variable-drift diffusion models of pedestrian road-crossing decisions
J Pekkanen, OT Giles, YM Lee, R Madigan, T Daimon, N Merat, ...
Computational Brain & Behavior, 1-21, 2022
Predicting pedestrian road-crossing assertiveness for autonomous vehicle control
F Camara, O Giles, R Madigan, M Rothmüller, PH Rasmussen, ...
2018 21st International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems …, 2018
Hitting the target: Mathematical attainment in children is related to interceptive-timing ability
OT Giles, KA Shire, LJB Hill, F Mushtaq, A Waterman, RJ Holt, PR Culmer, ...
Psychological science 29 (8), 1334-1345, 2018
Investigating pedestrians' crossing behaviour during car deceleration using wireless head mounted display: an application towards the evaluation of eHMI of automated vehicles
YM Lee, J Uttley, A Solernou, O Giles, R Romano, G Markkula, N Merat
Proceedings of the Tenth International Driving Symposium on Human Factors in …, 2019
At the zebra crossing: Modelling complex decision processes with variable-drift diffusion models
O Giles, G Markkula, J Pekkanen, N Yokota, N Matsunaga, N Merat, ...
Proceedings of the 41st annual meeting of the cognitive science society, 366-372, 2019
Filtration analysis of pedestrian-vehicle interactions for autonomous vehicle control
F Camara, O Giles, R Madigan, M Rothmüller, PH Rasmussen, ...
Proceedings of IAS-15, 2018
Modelling visual-vestibular integration and behavioural adaptation in the driving simulator
G Markkula, R Romano, R Waldram, O Giles, C Mole, R Wilkie
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 66, 310-323, 2019
Semantic speech networks linked to formal thought disorder in early psychosis
CR Nettekoven, K Diederen, O Giles, H Duncan, I Stenson, J Olah, ...
Schizophrenia Bulletin 49 (Supplement_2), S142-S152, 2023
Minimally invasive surgery training using multiple port sites to improve performance
AD White, O Giles, RJ Sutherland, O Ziff, M Mon-Williams, RM Wilkie, ...
Surgical endoscopy 28, 1188-1193, 2014
Faking feature importance: A cautionary tale on the use of differentially-private synthetic data
O Giles, K Hosseini, G Mingas, O Strickson, L Bowler, CR Smith, H Wilde, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.01363, 2022
Does monitor position influence visual-motor performance during minimally invasive surgery?
AD White, F Mushtaq, RK Raw, OT Giles, IC Crook, J Tomlinson, ...
Journal of Surgical Simulation 3, 1-7, 2016
Methodologies to understand the road user needs when interacting with automated vehicles
E Portouli, D Nathanael, A Amditis, YM Lee, N Merat, J Uttley, O Giles, ...
HCI in Mobility, Transport, and Automotive Systems: First International …, 2019
Cognitive load during automation affects gaze behaviours and transitions to manual steering control
R Wilkie, C Mole, O Giles, N Merat, R Romano, G Makkula
Driving Assessment Conference 10 (2019), 2019
Bayesian analysis of subjective ranking data using Thurstonian Models: Tutorial, novel methods, and an open-source library
O Giles, R Romano, G Markkula
OSF, 2018
Sensorimotor ability and inhibitory control independently predict attainment in mathematics in children and adolescents
JP Pickavance, OT Giles, JR Morehead, F Mushtaq, RM Wilkie, ...
Journal of Neurophysiology 127 (4), 1026-1039, 2022
Drivers fail to calibrate to optic flow speed changes during automated driving
C Mole, G Markkula, O Giles, Y Okafuji, R Romano, N Merat, R Wilkie
Proceedings of the Tenth International Driving Symposium on Human Factors in …, 2019
Sensorimotor control dynamics and cultural biases: learning to move in the right (or left) direction
AH Waterman, OT Giles, J Havelka, S Ali, PR Culmer, RM Wilkie, ...
Royal Society open science 4 (2), 160806, 2017
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Articles 1–20