Alexander D. Fraser
Alexander D. Fraser
Australian Research Council Future Fellow, AAPP, University of Tasmania
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The suppression of Antarctic bottom water formation by melting ice shelves in Prydz Bay
GD Williams, L Herraiz-Borreguero, F Roquet, T Tamura, KI Ohshima, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 12577, 2016
East Antarctic landfast sea ice distribution and variability, 2000–08
AD Fraser, RA Massom, KJ Michael, BK Galton-Fenzi, JL Lieser
Journal of Climate 25 (4), 1137-1156, 2012
Sea ice production variability in Antarctic coastal polynyas
T Tamura, KI Ohshima, AD Fraser, GD Williams
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 121 (5), 2967-2979, 2016
Potential regime shift in decreased sea ice production after the Mertz Glacier calving
T Tamura, GD Williams, AD Fraser, KI Ohshima
Nature communications 3 (1), 826, 2012
Change and variability in East Antarctic sea ice seasonality, 1979/80-2009/10
R Massom, P Reid, S Stammerjohn, B Raymond, A Fraser, S Ushio
PLOS ONE 8 (5), 2013
Glacier tongue calving reduced dense water formation and enhanced carbon uptake
EH Shadwick, SR Rintoul, B Tilbrook, GD Williams, N Young, AD Fraser, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 40 (5), 904-909, 2013
Examining the interaction between multi‐year landfast sea ice and the Mertz Glacier Tongue, East Antarctica: Another factor in ice sheet stability?
RA Massom, AB Giles, HA Fricker, RC Warner, B Legrésy, G Hyland, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 115 (C12), 2010
Antarctic calving loss rivals ice-shelf thinning
CA Greene, AS Gardner, NJ Schlegel, AD Fraser
Nature 609 (7929), 948-953, 2022
Coastal polynyas: Winter oases for subadult southern elephant seals in East Antarctica
S Labrousse, G Williams, T Tamura, S Bestley, JB Sallée, AD Fraser, ...
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 3183, 2018
Bathymetric control of warm ocean water access along the East Antarctic Margin
FO Nitsche, D Porter, G Williams, EA Cougnon, AD Fraser, R Correia, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 44 (17), 8936-8944, 2017
High-resolution mapping of circum-Antarctic landfast sea ice distribution, 2000–2018
AD Fraser, RA Massom, KI Ohshima, S Willmes, PJ Kappes, J Cartwright, ...
Earth System Science Data Discussions 2020, 1-18, 2020
Generation of high-resolution East Antarctic landfast sea-ice maps from cloud-free MODIS satellite composite imagery
AD Fraser, RA Massom, KJ Michael
Remote Sensing of Environment 114 (12), 2888-2896, 2010
Eighteen-year record of circum-Antarctic landfast-sea-ice distribution allows detailed baseline characterisation and reveals trends and variability
AD Fraser, RA Massom, MS Handcock, P Reid, KI Ohshima, MN Raphael, ...
The Cryosphere 15 (11), 5061-5077, 2021
A method for compositing polar MODIS satellite images to remove cloud cover for landfast sea-ice detection
AD Fraser, RA Massom, KJ Michael
IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing 47 (9), 3272-3282, 2009
Formation processes of sea ice floe size distribution in the interior pack and its relationship to the marginal ice zone off East Antarctica
T Toyota, A Kohout, AD Fraser
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 131, 28-40, 2016
Environmental drivers of benthic communities and habitat heterogeneity on an East Antarctic shelf
AL Post, C Lavoie, EW Domack, A Leventer, A Shevenell, AD Fraser, ...
Antarctic Science 29 (1), 17-32, 2017
Modeling ocean–cryosphere interactions off Adélie and George v land, east Antarctica
K Kusahara, H Hasumi, AD Fraser, S Aoki, K Shimada, GD Williams, ...
Journal of Climate 30 (1), 163-188, 2017
Properties of snow overlying the sea ice off East Antarctica in late winter, 2007
T Toyota, R Massom, K Tateyama, T Tamura, A Fraser
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 58 (9-10), 1137-1148, 2011
Antarctic landfast sea ice: A review of its physics, biogeochemistry and ecology
AD Fraser, P Wongpan, PJ Langhorne, AR Klekociuk, K Kusahara, ...
Reviews of Geophysics 61 (2), e2022RG000770, 2023
Long-term trends in the population size and breeding success of emperor penguins at the Taylor Glacier colony, Antarctica
G Robertson, B Wienecke, L Emmerson, AD Fraser
Polar Biology 37, 251-259, 2014
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Articles 1–20