J. Shane Robinson
J. Shane Robinson
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Aligning Kolb’s experiential learning theory with a comprehensive agricultural education model
MA Baker, JS Robinson, DA Kolb
Journal of Agricultural Education 53 (4), 1-16, 2012
Developing teachers for high-poverty schools: The role of the internship experience
SE McKinney, M Haberman, D Stafford-Johnson, J Robinson
Urban Education 43 (1), 68-82, 2008
An assessment of the employability skills needed by graduates in the College of Agriculture, Food and Natural resources at the University of Missouri.
JS Robinson, BL Garton
Journal of agricultural education 49 (4), 96-105, 2008
Assessing teacher self-efficacy and job satisfaction of early career agriculture teachers in Kentucky.
JJ Blackburn, JS Robinson
Journal of Agricultural Education 49 (3), 1-11, 2008
Teacher job satisfaction and burnout viewed through social comparisons.
T Kitchel, AR Smith, AL Henry, JS Robinson, RG Lawver, TD Park, ...
Journal of Agricultural Education 53 (1), 31-44, 2012
Becoming employable: A look at graduates' and supervisors' perceptions of the skills needed for employability
JS Robinson, BL Garton, PR Vaughn
NACTA Journal, 19-26, 2007
Graduates' and employers' perceptions of entry-level employability skills needed by agriculture, food and natural resources graduates
JS Robinson
University of Missouri--Columbia, 2006
The Effects of Kolb's Experiential Learning Model on Successful Intelligence in Secondary Agriculture Students.
MA Baker, JS Robinson
Journal of Agricultural Education 57 (3), 129-144, 2016
Assessing the teacher self-efficacy of agriculture instructors and their early career employment status: a comparison of certification types.
JS Robinson, MC Edwards
Journal of Agricultural Education 53 (1), 150-161, 2012
Preparation of pre-service teachers in agricultural mechanics
S Burris, JS Robinson, R Terry
Journal of Agricultural Education 46 (3), 23, 2005
Engaging students with brain-based learning
EK Kaufman, JS Robinson, KA Bellah, C Akers, P Haase-Wittler, ...
ACTEonline. Retrieved September 2, 2011, 2008
The impact of an alternative professional development model on teacher practices in formative assessment and student learning
J Robinson, S Myran, R Strauss, W Reed
Teacher Development 18 (2), 141-162, 2014
Benefits of Career Development Events as Perceived by School-Based, Agricultural Education Teachers.
J Lundry, JW Ramsey, MC Edwards, JS Robinson
Journal of Agricultural Education 56 (1), 43-57, 2015
Identifying the characteristics of an effective agricultural education teacher: A national study.
CJ Eck, JS Robinson, JW Ramsey, KL Cole
Journal of Agricultural Education 60 (4), 1-18, 2019
Assessing the effect of using a science–enhanced curriculum to improve agriculture students’ science scores: A causal comparative study
JC Haynes, JS Robinson, MC Edwards, JP Key
Journal of Agricultural Education 53 (2), 15-27, 2012
Intrapersonal factors affecting technological pedagogical content knowledge of agricultural education teachers
J Stewart, PD Antonenko, JS Robinson, M Mwavita
Journal of Agricultural Education 54 (3), 157-170, 2013
Preservice and inservice teachers’ perceptions of appropriateness of teacher self-disclosure
S Zhang, Q Shi, S Tonelson, J Robinson
Teaching and Teacher Education 25 (8), 1117-1124, 2009
Value and expectations of supervised agricultural experiences as expressed by agriculture instructors in Oklahoma who were alternatively certified
JS Robinson, JC Haynes
Journal of Agricultural Education 52 (2), 47-57, 2011
Assessing the animal science technical skills needed by secondary agricultural education graduates for employment in the animal industries: A modified Delphi study.
WL Slusher, JS Robinson, MC Edwards
Journal of Agricultural Education 52 (2), 95-106, 2011
Identifying the employability skills needed in the workplace according to supervisors of college of agriculture, food and natural resources graduates
JS Robinson, BL Garton, R Terry Jr
Journal of Southern Agricultural Education Research 57 (1), 95-109, 2007
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Articles 1–20