Narrowing as the operational semantics of functional languages US Reddy Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Logic Programming, 138-151, 1985 | 285 | 1985 |
Term rewriting induction US Reddy 10th International Conference on Automated Deduction: Kaiserslautern, FRG …, 1990 | 227 | 1990 |
Objects as closures: Abstract semantics of object-oriented languages U Reddy Proceedings of the 1988 ACM Conference on LISP and Functional Programming …, 1988 | 191 | 1988 |
On the Relationship Between Logic and Functional Languages. US Reddy Logic Programming: Functions, Relations, and Equations, 3-36, 1986 | 124 | 1986 |
Declaration-free type checking P Mishra, US Reddy Proceedings of the 12th ACM SIGACT-SIGPLAN symposium on Principles of …, 1985 | 124 | 1985 |
Typed Prolog: A Semantic Reconstruction of the Mycroft-O'Keefe Type System. TL Lakshman, US Reddy ISLP 91, 202-217, 1991 | 123 | 1991 |
Transformation of Logic Programs into Functional Programs. US Reddy SLP, 187-196, 1984 | 105 | 1984 |
A Framework of Directionality for Proving Termination of Logic Programs. F Bronsard, TK Lakshman, US Reddy JICSLP 92, 321-335, 1992 | 104 | 1992 |
Global state considered unnecessary: An introduction to object-based semantics US Reddy Lisp and Symbolic Computation 9, 7-76, 1996 | 99 | 1996 |
Assignments for applicative languages V Swarup, US Reddy, E Ireland Functional Programming Languages and Computer Architecture: 5th ACM …, 1991 | 97 | 1991 |
Two semantic models of object-oriented languages SN Kamin, US Reddy Theoretical Aspects of Object-Oriented Programming: Types, Semantics, and …, 1994 | 85 | 1994 |
ICC++-a C++ dialect for high performance parallel computing A Chien, US Reddy, J Plevyak, J Dolby Object Technologies for Advanced Software, 76-95, 1996 | 83 | 1996 |
Linear continuation-passing J Berdine, P O'hearn, U Reddy, H Thielecke Higher-order and symbolic computation 15, 181-208, 2002 | 71 | 2002 |
Objects and classes in Algol-like languages US Reddy Information and Computation 172 (1), 63-97, 2002 | 70* | 2002 |
Deductive and inductive synthesis of equational programs N Dershowitz, US Reddy Journal of Symbolic Computation 15 (5-6), 467-494, 1993 | 68 | 1993 |
Logical Relations and Parametricity-A Reynolds Programme for Category Theory and Programming Languages C Hermida, US Reddy, EP Robinson Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 303, 149-180, 2014 | 52 | 2014 |
Correctness of data representations involving heap data structures US Reddy, H Yang Science of Computer Programming 50 (1-3), 129-160, 2004 | 45 | 2004 |
Rewriting techniques for program synthesis US Reddy Rewriting Techniques and Applications: 3rd International Conference, RTA-89 …, 1989 | 42 | 1989 |
Functional logic languages part I US Reddy Workshop on Graph Reduction, 401-425, 1986 | 39 | 1986 |
Parametric limits B Dunphy, US Reddy Proceedings of the 19th Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science …, 2004 | 38 | 2004 |