Angela Smilanich
Angela Smilanich
Professor of Biology, University of Nevada, Reno
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The global distribution of diet breadth in insect herbivores
ML Forister, V Novotny, AK Panorska, L Baje, Y Basset, PT Butterill, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (2), 442-447, 2015
Phytochemical diversity drives plant–insect community diversity
LA Richards, LA Dyer, ML Forister, AM Smilanich, CD Dodson, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (35), 10973-10978, 2015
Immunological cost of chemical defence and the evolution of herbivore diet breadth
AM Smilanich, LA Dyer, JQ Chambers, MD Bowers
Ecology Letters 12 (7), 612-621, 2009
Feeding by lepidopteran larvae is dangerous: a review of caterpillars’ chemical, physiological, morphological, and behavioral defenses against natural enemies
HF Greeney, LA Dyer, AM Smilanich
Invertebrate Survival Journal 9 (1), 7-34, 2012
Synergistic Effects of Three Piper Amides on Generalist and Specialist Herbivores
LA Dyer, CD Dodson, JO Stireman, MA Tobler, AM Smilanich, RM Fincher, ...
Journal of Chemical Ecology 29, 2499-2514, 2003
The insect immune response and other putative defenses as effective predictors of parasitism
AM Smilanich, LA Dyer, GL Gentry
Ecology 90 (6), 1434-1440, 2009
Phytochemical diversity and synergistic effects on herbivores
LA Richards, AE Glassmire, KM Ochsenrider, AM Smilanich, CD Dodson, ...
Phytochemistry Reviews 15, 1153-1166, 2016
Intraspecific phytochemical variation shapes community and population structure for specialist caterpillars
AE Glassmire, CS Jeffrey, ML Forister, TL Parchman, CC Nice, JP Jahner, ...
New Phytologist 212 (1), 208-219, 2016
Modern approaches to study plant–insect interactions in chemical ecology
LA Dyer, CS Philbin, KM Ochsenrider, LA Richards, TJ Massad, ...
Nature Reviews Chemistry 2 (6), 50-64, 2018
Does plant apparency matter? Thirty years of data provide limited support but reveal clear patterns of the effects of plant chemistry on herbivores
AM Smilanich, RM Fincher, LA Dyer
New Phytologist 210 (3), 1044-1057, 2016
Synergistic Effects of Amides from Two Piper Species on Generalist and Specialist Herbivores
LA Richards, LA Dyer, AM Smilanich, CD Dodson
Journal of chemical ecology 36, 1105-1113, 2010
Synergistic Effects of Iridoid Glycosides on the Survival, Development and Immune Response of a Specialist Caterpillar, Junonia coenia (Nymphalidae)
LA Richards, EC Lampert, MD Bowers, CD Dodson, AM Smilanich, ...
Journal of chemical ecology 38, 1276-1284, 2012
A quantitative evaluation of major plant defense hypotheses, nature versus nurture, and chemistry versus ants
TJ Massad, RM Fincher, AM Smilanich, L Dyer
Arthropod-Plant Interactions 5, 125-139, 2011
Complex effects of parasitoids on pharmacophagy and diet choice of a polyphagous caterpillar
AM Smilanich, PA Mason, L Sprung, TR Chase, MS Singer
Oecologia 165, 995-1005, 2011
Ecological immunology mediated by diet in herbivorous insects
MS Singer, PA Mason, AM Smilanich
American Zoologist 54 (5), 913-921, 2014
Effects of Ingested Secondary Metabolites on the Immune Response of a Polyphagous Caterpillar Grammia incorrupta
AM Smilanich, J Vargas, LA Dyer, MD Bowers
Journal of chemical ecology 37, 239-245, 2011
Host plant associated enhancement of immunity and survival in virus infected caterpillars
AM Smilanich, TC Langus, L Doan, LA Dyer, JG Harrison, J Hsueh, ...
Journal of invertebrate pathology 151, 102-112, 2018
Reduced consumption of protein-rich foods follows immune challenge in a polyphagous caterpillar
AP Mason, AM Smilanich, MS Singer
Journal of Experimental Biology 217 (13), 2250-2260, 2014
Across multiple species, phytochemical diversity and herbivore diet breadth have cascading effects on herbivore immunity and parasitism in a tropical model system
HL Slinn, LA Richards, LA Dyer, PJ Hurtado, AM Smilanich
Frontiers in Plant Science 9, 656, 2018
Host plant-dependent effects of microbes and phytochemistry on the insect immune response
SA Yoon, JG Harrison, CS Philbin, CD Dodson, DM Jones, IS Wallace, ...
Oecologia 191, 141-152, 2019
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