Melissa Wen
Cited by
Cited by
Continuous delivery: building trust in a large-scale, complex government organization
R Siqueira, D Camarinha, M Wen, P Meirelles, F Kon
IEEE Software 35 (2), 38-43, 2018
Leading successful government-academia collaborations using FLOSS and agile values
M Wen, R Siqueira, N Lago, D Camarinha, A Terceiro, F Kon, P Meirelles
Journal of Systems and Software 164, 110548, 2020
Brazilian Public Software Portal: an integrated platform for collaborative development
P Meirelles, M Wen, A Terceiro, R Siqueira, L Kanashiro, H Neri
Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Open Collaboration, 1-10, 2017
Understanding FLOSS through community publications: strategies for grey literature review
M Wen, L Leite, F Kon, P Meirelles
Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE 42nd International Conference on Software …, 2020
Criaçao de modelo para simulaçao de movimentaçao de ˆOnibus a partir de dados reais
M Wen, TO Rosa, MC Souza, RP Aleixo, C Alves, L Sá, EFZ Santana, ...
Anais do I Workshop Brasileiro de Cidades Inteligentes, 2018
FLOSS Project Management in Government-Academia Collaboration
M Wen, P Meirelles, R Siqueira, F Kon
IFIP International Conference on Open Source Systems, 15-25, 2018
Continuous Delivery
R Siqueira, D Camarinha, M Wen, P Meirelles, F Kon
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Articles 1–7