Raphael H. Heiberger
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Cited by
Stock network stability in times of crisis
RH Heiberger
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 393, 376-381, 2014
Paradigm Wars Revisited: A Cartography of Graduate Research in the Field of Education (1980–2010)
S Munoz-Najar Galvez, RH Heiberger, DA McFarland
American Educational Research Journal, 2019
Collective attention and stock prices: evidence from Google trends data on standard and poor's 100
RH Heiberger
PloS one 10 (8), e0135311, 2015
Installing computational social science: Facing the challenges of new information and communication technologies in social science
RH Heiberger, JR Riebling
Methodological Innovations 9, 2059799115622763, 2016
Predicting economic growth with stock networks
RH Heiberger
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 489, 102-111, 2018
Facets of specialization and its relation to career success: An analysis of US Sociology, 1980 to 2015
RH Heiberger, S Munoz-Najar Galvez, DA McFarland
American Sociological Review 86 (6), 1164-1192, 2021
New patterns of scientific growth: How research expanded after the invention of scanning tunneling microscopy and the discovery of Buckminsterfullerenes
T Heinze, R Heidler, RH Heiberger, J Riebling
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 64 (4 …, 2013
Do not blame the media! The role of politicians and parties in fragmenting online political debate
R Heiberger, S Majó-Vázquez, L Castro Herrero, RK Nielsen, F Esser
The International Journal of Press/Politics 27 (4), 910-941, 2022
Mapping the field of psychology: Trends in research topics 1995–2015
O Wieczorek, S Unger, J Riebling, L Erhard, C Koß, R Heiberger
Scientometrics 126 (12), 9699-9731, 2021
The global field of power as “Tertium Comparationis”
A Schmitz, RH Heiberger, J Blasius
Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie 40, 247-263, 2015
Reconstructing science networks from the past Eponyms between malacological authors in the mid-19th century
ASH Breure, RH Heiberger
Journal of Historical Network Research 3 (1), 92-117, 2019
Diverse Effects of Mass Media on Concerns about Immigration: New Evidence from Germany, 2001–2016
L Erhard, M Windzio, RH Heiberger
European Sociological Review, 2021
Social studies of scholarly life with sensor-based ethnographic observations
M Kibanov, RH Heiberger, S Rödder, M Atzmueller, G Stumme
Scientometrics 119, 1387-1428, 2019
Key decision-makers and persuaders in the selection of energy-efficient technologies in EU residential buildings
C Camarasa, R Heiberger, L Hennes, M Jakob, Y Ostermeyer, L Rosado
Buildings 10 (4), 70, 2020
Benefits and detriments of interdisciplinarity on early career scientists’ performance. An author-level approach for US physicists and psychologists
S Unger, L Erhard, O Wieczorek, C Koß, J Riebling, RH Heiberger
Plos one 17 (6), e0269991, 2022
Die soziale Konstruktion von Preisen: Beeinflussung von Kultur, Netzwerken und institutionellen Regeln von Aktienkursen
RH Heiberger
Springer-Verlag, 2015
Automated image analysis for studying online behaviour
C Schwemmer, S Unger, R Heiberger
Research Handbook on Digital Sociology, 278-291, 2023
Computerlinguistische Textanalyse und Debatten im Parlament
RH Heiberger, C Koss
Soziologie der Parlamente, 391-418, 2018
Choosing collaboration partners. How scientific success in physics depends on network positions
RH Heiberger, OJ Wieczorek
arXiv preprint arXiv:1608.03251, 2016
US and whom? Structures and communities of international economic research
RH Heiberger, JR Riebling
Journal of Social Structure 16 (1), 1-12, 2015
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Articles 1–20